HVAC upgrades
Home Improvement

5 HVAC Upgrades That Increase Return On Investment On Home Equity

If you are thinking about upgrading your HVAC system but can’t make up your mind, maybe this will help. You need to understand that a simple HVAC upgrade may not even take up much of your time and money. It will prove to be highly affordable and add more value to your home’s equity. Yes, this timely repair/replacement improves the comfort of your house and also adds to the ROI on your home equity. Following are a few HVAC upgrades you must consider if you want to increase the overall value of your home.

1. High-Quality Air Filtration

Having an old HVAC system in place means that you probably do not get clean breathing air. This means that there is poor ventilation on your property and you need to fix it sooner than later. You should not have to make do with less-than-perfect air filtration. Prolonged exposure to unclean air is only going to result in allergies and diseases. The best way to eliminate any such possibilities is to update the filtration system. The various types of HVAC filters available in the market include:

  • Ultraviolet light air purifiers
  • Fiberglass filters
  • HEPA filters
  • Electrostatic filters
  • Washable filters
  • Superfine air filters

You must also consider investing in an energy recovery ventilator. This will help you protect your family from harmful allergens and diseases. You can get fresh air throughout your home by removing any dust, pollen, pet dander, and several other contaminants and pollutants from the air.

2. Humidifiers And Dehumidifiers

If you have any asthma patients in your home or any elderly who have difficulty breathing, invest in the right humidifiers and dehumidifiers. You should be able to control the humidity levels indoors to ensure the desired level of comfort for everyone. There is no way you can allow excess moisture to get accumulated on your property. Go for an hvac repair or replacement of the whole system on time to curb extra humidity and prevent any mold formation.

3. Getting Your Ductwork Right

If your HVAC system is inefficient, the reason could be damaged ductwork. If there is any leakage in the ducts and pipes and the connected apparatus, it could easily lead to inefficiency in the system. You might notice that cold or hot air does not reach all the spaces across your living room. The corners of your rooms might not be adequately temperature-controlled for comfortable living. Remember, new ductwork is going to last you somewhere between 10 to 25 years easily. It is going to improve the air quality in your home and add more value to it as well.

4. HVAC Upgrades – Efficient Insulation

Fixing the insulation on your property is an easy way to increase the ROI on your home equity. Proper insulation is important to regulate the internal temperature throughout your house. Timely and correct HVAC upgrades ensure less pressure on the entire system as well.

5. Energy Matters To Consider

Look into the overall energy efficiency of your HVAC system. If you have made up your mind about replacing the entire setup, choose something high on energy efficiency. This is going to increase your home’s value tremendously. It will also help you reduce your overall carbon footprint.


Look for a highly rated product that can easily improve the overall quality of air in your home and keep your loved ones healthy.

Photo by Michal Matlon on Unsplash

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