What are the Steps to Install Rain Gutters?
Gutters are an essential part of a home’s exterior. They protect the home from water damage, direct debris away from windows and doors, and help manage rainwater runoff. Installing rain gutters may seem daunting, but with some essential tools, a good plan, and Plumbing services in Point Cook, it can be done in just a few hours. Here is a step-by-step guide to installing your rain gutters. You can buy here the materials.
1. Break layout lines
- 1-14 inches below the metal drip-edge flashing, mark the highest point of the gutter run on the fascia (on the extra-wide fascia shown here, the channel is lower down).
- Mark the low end of the gutter run at the opposite end of the fascia (or at the downspout position if there is one in the middle of the run), bearing in mind that the slope should be roughly 12 inches for every 10 feet of run.
- Draw a chalk line connecting the two spots (as shown).
*Before installing gutters, the experts of 24-hour plumbing service recommend inspecting the fascia for decay and making any required repairs.
2. Place Fascia Brackets
- Find the rafter tails beneath the fascia, usually 16 inches in the centre (look for telltale nail heads).
- Mark every other rafter tail with a chalk line.
- At each spot, drill an 18-inch pilot hole through the fascia and into the rafter tail.
- Fix fascia brackets using 14-inch stainless steel lag screws long enough to pierce rafters by 2 inches (as shown).
*Rub soap on the lag screws to make them easier to push through the fascia and into the rafter tails.
3. Cut Gutter Sections
- Commercial plumbers recommend using a hacksaw and aircraft snips to cut the gutter piece to length or a 12-inch power mitre saw with a carbide-tipped finish blade (as shown).
- If the gutter extends around a corner, make the angle (usually 45 degrees) on that end.
- If the run requires two pieces of gutter, overlap them by 8 inches and attach them with two rows of four 3/8-inch-long self-tapping stainless steel screws or pop rivets.
*Always put screws or rivets in the gutter’s sides, not the bottom.
4. Stick Ends
- To cut the gutter piece to length, use a hacksaw and aviation snips or a 12-inch power mitre saw with a carbide-tipped finish blade (as shown).
- Make the required angle (typically 45 degrees) on the end of the gutter that continues around a corner.
- If two pieces of gutter are needed, overlap them by 8 inches and secure them with two rows of four 3/8-inch-long self-tapping stainless steel screws or pop rivets.
*Always insert screws or rivets in the gutter sides, not the bottom.
5. Cut Holes
- Mark the location of the downspout on the bottom end of the gutter with a downspout outlet.
- Turn the gutter upside down and set the outlet on top to do this.
- Mark the downspout of the outlet’s inner part.
- Drill a 14-inch-diameter hole through the circular shape.
- Turn the gutter over and cut the downspout hole with a drill and a 4-inch-diameter hole saw (as shown). (You may cut the hole with a hammer and cold chisel.)
6. Install Gutter
- Insert the gutter into the fascia’s lag-screwed brackets.
- Rotate the gutter upward until the rear edge of the channel fits into the hooks at the top of the brackets’ backs (as shown).
- Drill a 3/16-inch diameter hole through the screw-mounting hole in each bracket on the front edge of the gutter.
- A 1-inch-long stainless steel machine screw and flanged nut can secure the gutter to the bracket.
*Spray-paint aluminium gutters and brackets to match or contrast with the home trim.
7. Make Strip-Miter Joint
- A strip mitre — a 3-inch-wide strip of aluminium — should be used to cover the connection between two lengths of gutter at each corner.
- Cover the gutter’s underside with a metal strip. It’s held together with eight pop rivets or sheet-metal screws.
- Using snips, cut a triangular part from the top of the strip mitre (as shown), and then fold the two flaps down around the top edge of the gutter.
*A high-quality siliconised caulk can also be used to make this junction more watertight.
8. Connect Downspout
- Four pop rivets or screws should secure the downspout outlet to the gutter.
- Attach a downspout elbow to the outflow tube that protrudes from the gutter.
- Cut a downspout piece to fit between the two elbows.
- To fit the elbow into the downspout, use needlenose pliers to crimp it.
- Pop rivets or screws can hold the pieces together.
*On a one-story house, use two downspout brackets, and three brackets on a two-story house.
Connect with NLK Plumbing for the Best Gutter Replacement
Similar to hot water repairs in melbourne, installing rain gutters may seem intimidating at first glance, but following these simple steps can help ensure that your new rain gutters are appropriately installed and securely! It’s essential for aesthetic reasons and because correctly installed rain gutters can save money by preventing water damage from leaking roofs or siding caused by improper drainage systems! Whether you choose aluminum or vinyl materials, proper installation is the key—so take your time and follow these steps carefully for a successful DIY project!
Photo by Georgi Zvezdov on Unsplash