Use These 15 Pergola Designs to Make Your Home Stunning

Use These 15 Pergola Designs to Make Your Home Stunning

You might have seen some houses with some kind of walkways or sitting areas with shades mostly made out of wood. These shaded areas are called pergolas, and there are numerous people who want these ensembles in their gardens and while that is the professional way to about it you can easily install the pergola kits purchased yourself or build the pergola from the ground up if you`re more of a DIY enthusiast. In the gallery 15 pergola designs follow to feed your imagination.

1. Basic pergola wood edges to choose from



Pergolas will look more captivating if you mix it with edges that can complement the whole design and theme of the pergola.

2. Walkway pergolas can emphasize time outdoors



3. Modern pergola with a built-in kitchen for an impromptu cook out



4.Coorner pergolas are truly space efficient



If you have a spare space on your garden, why not create a pergola sitting area? This design will surely look beautiful on your garden and it will become a wonderful place to relax.

5. A daybed pergola can be great for those quiet days of reading



6. Soft draperies on pergolas make a dreamy place to spend some time



Whether you are alone of with your loved one, you will surel feel at ease with this pergola design. The draperies alone create a relaxing feeling.

7. DIY pergola with a bahareque pit envisioned for friends



8. Your garage can be enhanced with greenery



Think of how amazed your guests and neighbors will be when you get this pergola car garage.

9.  Modern take with the same relaxing  feeling



If you are more into simple and modern designs, then this pergola can be a perfect fit. The pergola might look easy but keep in mind that simplicity in designs leaves no room for error.

10. Embrace bamboo pergola designs



11. Distressed wooden pergola combined with grapevine is a classic



The color works perfecty and the grapevine can make that old pergola look perfect.

12. Pergolas with retractable roof


A very practical and common choice able to make the pergola far more usable.


13. Create perfect flower silhouettes with this pergola roof design



14. Install pergola plant boxes



This pergola will definitey make your garden the best place to hang out. You may also plant some flowering plants to add more color  to your pergola.

15. Enclosed modern pergolas can be used all year round


It goes without saying that it not the same experience as an open pergola and one might argue it can be entitled a conservatory rather than a pergola yet the structure summons the word pergola.


What do you think about these pergola designs? Would love to hear from you !

Photo by Mason Pohlman on Unsplash

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One Comment

  • Tyler

    I really like the look of a few of these pergolas with custom ceilings. I think this could be a great way to have shade as well as keeping it looking good. It’s something to remember when looking to have a pergola built because I’d be fine with a standard open top one but I’d like to eventually get a custom roof.

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