Top 7 Tips For Your Skin: Keep Your Skin Hydrated In Summer
Not all of us can be lucky enough to live in a climate that does wonders for your skin. (My skin is like a blessing from the Gods whenever I visit my family in Hawaii!) If you’re like me and live in a dry climate, your skin can suffer in the summer months if you don’t give it the proper care.
Here are some tips on how to keep your skin hydrated!
It won’t be looking dull and lifeless this summer.
Is the temperature increase taking a toll on the health and appearance of your skin? If yes, then because of the heat and humidity there are high chances that the skin will be dehydrated. During the summer season, ensuring sure your skin remains clean and hydrated during the day is highly important, as dehydration may render your skin dry and sluggish.
Finally, it’s important to remember that our physical health goes hand in hand with our mental health.
The fact that mental health highly affects your physical being might be overlooked by many but it must be known that people suffering from various mental health issues like that off ADHD, depression, anxiety are on several medications and treatments e.g. ADD medicine or treatment, psychological therapies etc. Such issues and medications may affect physical strength whether it be fitness related or concern healthy skin.
The good news is that there are inexpensive and 100% natural ways with which you can ensure your skin stays hydrated and its pH level stays balanced. All you will have to do is get a hold of certain natural ingredients that are loaded with antioxidants and nutrients, which can help your skin to stay healthy during the summer days.
Practice the following tips for best results for your skin;

1. Drink! and Drink! and Drink! – tips for your skin
Because skin is the largest organ in the body, and our body comprises about 70% water, it’s important to stay hydrated. Losing any amount of water in the body’s water volume can lead to problems of mild dehydration. Drink at least two liters of water a day to keep your skin hydrated.
2. Moisturize!
This needs to be done daily, and using the right kind of moisturizer for your skin type is essential in keeping your skin healthy and hydrated. I religiously use moisturizing body lotion and face cream, and my skin loves me for it!
3. Take your probiotics!
It’s true — keeping well in the gut helps keep you hydrated. Not only can beneficial bacteria help you consume nutrients and electrolytes from food and drinks (which encourages successful hydration), but a healthy microbiota helps to keep away any harmful microbes that could trigger temporary intestinal issues, contributing to dehydration. And, bonus — probiotics also help hydration in your skin!
For 12 weeks more than 100 volunteers with wrinkles and dry skin were taking a probiotic or placebo. Apart from improved skin elasticity and reduction of wrinkles, the probiotic community had increased water content in both the face and hands at the end of the study.
4. Pass on the salt!
Naturally, foods that are high in sodium draw water from the body and contribute to dehydration. Limit your sodium intake, i.e. try your best not to cave in to fast foods, frozen pizzas, canned soups, and other processed meats and vegetables.
5. Exfoliate!
I exfoliate once every few months — not nearly enough. During the summer months, it’s important to exfoliate at least two to three times per week to remove dead skin and improve blood circulation. Apart from keeping skin smooth, exfoliating also helps absorb beneficial ingredients of face moisturizer, which leads to our next tip!
6. Use the right soap!
Heavily scented soaps can be harsh on the skin and can strip away natural oils, causing the skin to dry out. Instead, try using soaps that are formulated specifically to maintain a healthy pH level of 5.5, such as any branded cleansing bar made for all skin types.
While choosing a soap for your skincare make sure that you have read all the ingredients. For avoiding unwanted results you can use soaps that contain natural ingredients such as aloe vera, cucumber or goat milk. Those will help you to cleanse your skin and will not cause any skin irritations. Natural soaps have hypoallergenic consistency which differentiates these from drugstore soaps. For instance, you can use natural goat milk soap and remove all dirt from your skin pores without damaging its natural barrier. Meantime, you can use soaps that contain cucumber to make your skin fresh during the hot summer times.
7. Try following natural beauty – tips for your skin
- Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe Vera gel’s soothing effect can keep your skin well hydrated, even when the temperature is soaring through the sky. Apply it through the course of the day to prevent your skin from drying up and dehydrating.
- Cucumber Juice
In the summer season, the cooling effect of cucumber juice has made it a true favorite to keep the skin super clean. To keep your skin healthy through the season, include cucumber juice in your beauty routine.
- Tomato Pulp
Application of tomato pulp on your skin, particularly during the summer season, can improve your skin in ways you have never known before. It maintains the pH level and ensures new, clean, and well hydrated skin stays on.
- Olive Oil
Apply a little bit of olive oil to your skin on a daily basis during the summer season. The antioxidants present in it are capable of fighting off the heat and humidity that can adversely affect your skin’s texture.
- Honey
Honey is another excellent natural ingredient to integrate in the summer season into your everyday skin care routine. Honey can effectively eliminate impurities from the surface of your skin, and ensure it stays radiant throughout the season.
- Rose Water
Rose water is the only natural ingredient able to resist dehydration of your skin. Hold a bottle of rose water spray in your pocket so your skin stays healthy and clean during summer.
- Apple Cider Vinegar
Presence of acetic acid in apple cider vinegar makes it one of the most effective ingredients for balancing the skin’s pH level. And by doing so, it ensures the skin stays well hydrated. Mix the ingredient with a little water and add it to your face.
Final words
Truly, water is the elixir of life! Remember to drink plenty of water and eat a diet rich in hydrating whole fruits and vegetables to keep you going strong all summer long, while you experience all the wonderful summer milestones. Thanks go to your body (and mind)!