Quick and Easy Plumbing Checks to do Before Buying a New Home
Home Improvement

Quick and Easy Plumbing Checks To Do Before Buying a New Home

Human beings have an evolutionary need for community, neighborhood, and stability that comes with owning a home. Buying a house is a significant life milestone. Besides being an excellent investment, it is many people’s dream. Suppose you have found the house of your dreams, an appealing property that is within your budget range and in a perfect location, congratulations! You have won the first hurdle. It is now time to do plumbing checks and inspections before closing the deal. The most common checks are building and pest inspection. One of the most critical areas in a house is a problem-free plumbing system. Do you know the pre-purchase inspection only applies to the sewer layout and does not include plumbing and drain examination? The inspection includes the plumbing condition inside and outside the house. Victory Park high rise for instance, has some of the best properties that are thoroughly inspected, hence one of the best investment decisions one can make. Below are some crucial plumbing checks you will need to carry out before buying a new home.

Easy Plumbing Checks To Do – Check for Leaks

Check the area under the sink and taps for water lying on the surface or signs of water damage. You can always follow the water to see the source of leaks. While a leaking tap is inexpensive and easy to fix, it can cause more significant problems, like weakening the floor or damaging the vanity if left unchecked.

Also, a leaking toilet can ruin the subfloor and flooring. Check for warping and discoloration around the base of your toilet. Also, inspect the floor around the toilet and ensure that it does not move when you are standing on it or it feels weak. Wiggle the toilet bowl to check if its sturdy moving toilet bowl signifies an unsecured flange, weakened seal, or the bowl not secured to the flange.

Hot Water System

Water systems often have a lifespan of about ten years. Check the unit; mostly installed out of the house. Look out for the serial and model number, as the age of the water heater system is always determined by the heater model.

Any hot water damage and corrosion present can considerably reduce your system life span. Please take note of internal water heaters and their location. Ensure that if the unit leaks, it will not cause damage to your home. Old water systems may need replacement as they may require frequent service and repairs.

Water Hammer

A hammering noise is the pressure caused when water suddenly stops or changes direction after a valve quickly closes. This is often a result of high-pressure shockwaves spreading through the pipe system or pressure surge. The pressure can cause significant problems, from vibration to noise. In some extreme cases, the pipe can collapse.

You can engage a plumber to assess the cause of the water hammer or have them recommend solutions for the noise. Evaluate the extent of the damage to the pipes before you commit to purchasing the property.

Plumbing Checks – Noises

As the water moves down the drain, you may hear gurgling sounds that point to a blockage. Common elements that cause blockages are oil, hair, soap scum, or kitchen scraps. In other cases, the cracks or tree roots in the pipe can also block the pipes. Blockage caused by roots is a significant issue that is expensive to repair, and if it overflows, it can cause damage to your new house.

Inspect Drainage Lines

Drain inspection is a systematic process that evaluates drainage systems to ensure seamless waste water transitions from the pipeline to the sewage systems. Inspecting the drainage system seeks to prevent drainage problems like corrosion, pipe cracks, or frost. The inspection report can reveal any other significant clogs like toilet paper buildup, food waste or tree roots.

Drain inspections are vital as they prevent potential risks like floods, leaks, and other health and safety issues. A well-executed drain inspection will reveal problems at their early stages and save you costly repairs. The exercise can also help prevent the hassle of waste clogs and slow water drainage. Drain inspection promotes environmental safety and mitigates the risk of damaged drainage systems and pipelines. Call a plumbing expert to conduct a drain inspection before you consider closing the deal.

Check Faucets

Pay close attention to the faucets and taps if you are planning to buy a property, and look for signs of rust when the faucets are turned on. If a property has been vacant for a while, the rust will most likely drain out in the beginning. However, a previously occupied property with signs of rust could indicate that the pipes are corroded.

Check the water pressure. Ensure a solid stream of water when you turn on the shower. Slow-running water indicates that the pressure is low, and you may need to be fixed.

Lead in Drinking Water

A chemical reaction, also known as corrosion, in the plumbing materials containing lead may cause lead to enter drinking water. Corrosion is the wearing or dissolving of metal from the fixtures and pipes. The reaction is more severe when the water has low mineral content or high acidity.

The most common sources of lead in drinking water are faucets, plumbing fixtures and lead pipes. Also, some pipes carrying drinking water from the source to a house may contain lead. In most cases, lead pipes are common in older household welding solder, plumbing fixtures, and pipe fittings. While you may get a good deal for an old house, it is prudent to engage your local water authority to test and help identify the potential presence and lead sources. Ensure they check the service line and entire household plumbing.


While everyone dreams of owning a home, you need a convenient and comfortable habitation. A seamless water supply is a basic need in any home. Besides the tips above, check the water meter for any deflection, which is a pointer to present leakage. Turn off the main shut-off valve to ensure no water flow from any tap. Then turn off each valve and the corresponding faucets. This process will help you detect if there is an underlying issue. Before buying a house, you must check for any significant or minor plumbing issues.

Photo by Seth kane on Unsplash

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