9 Ways To Keep Bugs and Pests Away From Your Home
Tips & Tricks

9 Ways To Keep Bugs and Pests Away From Your Home

Pests are a nuisance, wreaking havoc on your home and garden. Some spread diseases, contaminate food, or damage structures. Even when they’re harmless, it’s not a pleasant experience to have them crawling around your home. Here are ways you can keep pests away:

Install a Screen Room on Your Front Porch

A screen room or screened-in porch keeps various pests like mosquitoes and rodents out. These pests and bugs enter your home when you open the doors and windows to view the outside or let in the fresh air. This is particularly troublesome in the summer when mosquitoes are at their peak.

Installing a screen room enables you to keep your home free of pests and enjoy the outdoors. Contact an experienced screen room installation contractor. You’ll enjoy the outdoors while staying protected from the elements such as rain, high winds, scorching sun, and pests. It’ll soon become your family’s favorite spot if professionally done.

Use Pest Repellents

Various pest repellents on the market work well to keep pests away. You can find these products in most hardware stores or online. Repellents come in the form of granules, liquids, and aerosol sprays. They have natural ingredients like cedar oil, citronella, peppermint, and lemongrass, which are safe for humans and pets.

First, understand the pest problems in your area, then purchase a repellent accordingly. For example, if you live in an area with lots of deer, get a deer repellent. These include mint, garlic, and cloves.

Plant these around your home in the garden or pots near entryways. Repelling pests is always better than exterminating. Remember, they’re an essential part of the ecosystem.

Keep Your Home and Garden Clean

Pests are attracted to food, water and shelter. Keep your home and garden clean to prevent them from setting up shop. Regularly sweep and mop your floors and do the dishes promptly. Don’t let dirty utensils pile up in the sink and wipe down countertops, especially after cooking. Store food in airtight containers.

Thoroughly clean the entire house at least once a week, including under the furniture and hard-to-reach places. Remove trash daily and don’t let garbage accumulate inside. Pests are also attracted to standing water, so fix any leaks and empty any stagnant water in your yard. Keep your lawn trimmed and bushes cut to deny pests shelter.

Empty Trash Cans Regularly

Never leave garbage bags or full trash cans sitting around your yard. The food and other organic materials will attract pests, eventually making their way into your home. Empty garbage cans regularly and don’t forget to clean them out. Invest in garbage cans with tight-fitting lids to keep out pests. If possible, design an enclosed area for your garbage cans to deter pests further.

Check Your Home for Cracks and Holes

Pests can enter your home through the tiniest of cracks and holes. Inspect your home regularly for any damages, no matter how small. Repair these fast to prevent pests from getting in. Check the foundation, windows, doors, screens, and roofline. If you have pets, make sure their doors are also secure.

If you notice tiny spaces under the door, install a door sweep. These are available in most hardware stores. Seal any openings in venting systems and chimneys. Do this yearly or as needed to prevent pest infestation.

Light Dark Places

Most pests love dark, quiet and moist places. Light all the dark corners in your home, including the basement, closets and attics. Do the same in the yard. Eliminate bushes, dark areas and piles of leaves, which can harbor pests. If you have a storage shed, keep it well-lit and organized.

Also, don’t store firewood and other piles of debris next to your home. This will only invite pests inside. Keep woodpiles at least 20 feet away from the house and store them off the ground.

Use Pest-Proof Materials

When building or repairing your home, use pest-proof materials whenever possible. For example, use metal or concrete instead of wood to build a deck or porch. Install wire mesh over vents and drainage pipes.

Caulk gaps and cracks in the foundation and around windows and doors. Also, use weather-stripping to seal doors and windows. These are available in most hardware stores.

Declutter Often

Clutter makes excellent hiding and nesting places for pests. Get rid of anything you don’t need, especially in the basement, closets and attics. Store belongings in airtight, sealable containers. Doing so makes it harder for pests to access them. Periodically check stored items for signs of infestations and get rid of anything that’s infested.

Fumigate Regularly

Fumigating involves using chemicals to kill pests in all life stages, including eggs. Fumigation is often used to eliminate severe infestations, but can also be preventative. Choose non-toxic fumigants to protect your family and pets. Green home fumigants are available in most hardware stores. Consult a professional or, better still, let them inspect and fumigate your home to be sure the job is done right.

When you have pets and young children around, be extra careful when fumigating. Fumigation chemicals can be dangerous to humans and animals if not used properly. If you have a severe pest problem, it’s best to call in professionals. Pest control companies have the experience and tools to safely and effectively eliminate pests.

Preventative Measures Are Better

A pest infestation is never a fun experience. However, preventative measures are always better than a cure. By being proactive, you may enjoy a pest-free home all year long. You’ll avoid nasty bites, the spread of disease, and costly repairs. Consult professionals, research the pest problems in your area, and take the necessary steps to keep them away.

Photo by Erik Karits on Unsplash

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