5 Landlord-Friendly Ways to Upgrade Your Rental
Moving into a new rental can be exciting, but those pesky rules can certainly get in the way of you designing your dream space. While some landlords will be somewhat flexible, others won’t let you make any changes.
However, this doesn’t mean that you have to live in a place without any character. You just need to search for ideas that don’t damage the property. Below we are going to take a look at five landlord-friendly ways to upgrade your rental. Let’s get started!
Replace the blinds and curtains
The window coverings that come in most rentals can be somewhat questionable. A simple way to freshen up the entire space is to replace them with a newer and more modern design.
If you don’t plan to take them with you when you leave, you may even ask the landlord if they will go halves with you. Just make sure that you don’t throw away the existing ones! On the other hand, if you are looking to stay for a while, or even rent to own, then you may consider investing in something nice and durable. Still, make sure you get the landlord’s approval first.
Use removable walk decals
Some rental units do allow you to paint the walls, but not all of them. If you’re in a stricter building, opt to use removable wall decals to brighten up the area. They come in so many unique designs and won’t leave any marks.
Want a find a beautiful place that doesn’t require any significant changes? Check out these luxury high-rise apartments in Downtown New Brunswick, NJ.
Hang artworks
If wall decals aren’t your thing, you can still consider hanging artwork, including photo frames. The trick is to use removable hooks that peel and stick to the wall instead of nails.
You do, however, need to be careful when you’re taking them off. Pulling too hard can strip the paint causing significant damage.
Not sure what artwork to choose? You can find some tips to help you get started here.
Purchase functional furniture
Storage can be a problem in some apartments, and while you might not be able to hang extra shelving, you can opt to purchase functional furniture. These are pieces that are designed to maximize space while having multiple purposes.
For example, you could get a dining room table that extends, a coffee table with hidden storage, or a lounge that folds out into a spare bed.
Replace lights and fixtures
Much like your curtains and blinds, light fixtures and bulbs are two other things you can change when you move, provided that you put them back once you leave. It may sound silly, but a simple covering or chandelier can add warmth to any room.
If you don’t want to do any hard work, a simple floor or desk lamp can also be effective. Take a look at these cool and unique designs for inspiration.
Final words
And that’s it! These were five landlord-friendly ways to upgrade your rental. As you can see, with a bit of creativity, you can design a beautiful and personalized space. Just remember to always get permission if you plan to make any major changes. Find out additional information on how to get rid of capital resorts timeshare.
Photo by Leon Seibert on Unsplash