32 Necessities Every Student Dorm Must Include
The summer leading up to the first year is full of ups and downs. On the one hand, students are happy with the long-awaited freedom and leaving their parents’ house. On the other hand, there are many important things ahead and making your student dorm room cozy definitely tops the list!
You are about to start a completely independent life. This means that you will have to solve a bunch of household chores yourself: cook, wash and iron clothes, buy medicines, sew on buttons and, of course, clean up. Are you afraid to forget some of the necessities? Well, you shouldn’t, since we have compiled a large list of everything you require in your student dorm. Check it out to make sure you didn’t miss anything!
But before we dive into our guide, let us share a cool piece of advice. At some point, all learners find themselves tired because of a huge study load, and this may result in burnout. That’s why one can order custom writing at EssayPro and finally free their hectic schedule. Relying on experienced authors is probably the best way to manage it all when you have zero time and energy for school assignments.
Of course, eating out in the nearest café sounds fun, but you will cook in the dorm as well. Of course, a pot, a frying pan, and a set of plates won’t be enough. And given that prices for some utensils aren’t low, it’s better to grab a kitchen set from home.
Here’s what you need to take with you to your student dorm:
- A frying pan with a lid;
- Pot with a lid;
- Flat plate;
- Dinner bowl;
- Forks, spoons, and knives;
- Cutting board;
- A set of kitchen towels;
- Thermal mug and containers to take food to classes;
- And surely, your favorite mug for tea and coffee.
You can also bring a slow cooker if it doesn’t violate the dorm rules. This device makes life a lot easier. It not only warms up food for you but cooks as well! Isn’t it the best way to avoid gastritis and other diseases?
Personal Care Products
Once the kitchen is ready, let’s talk about important personal hygiene items.
- Bed sheets. Better take two sets to always sleep clean. Plus, changing the pillowcase as often as possible helps you prevent acne;
- Slippers. Since the dorm shower is a place used by a couple of people (or more), slippers surely won’t hurt. You can take two pairs: soft ones for your room and waterproof slippers/crocs for the shower;
- Towels. Take big ones from home, and a set of small ones can be bought in a local household store;
- Toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, shower gel, razors, deodorants, and soaps;
- Cosmetics bag. It should be with a hook or hanging handle to carry personal care products with you;
- Pack a small first aid kit. Put painkillers, sorbents, antiseptics, adhesive plasters, mild sedatives, and drugs you need there. You never know what might happen, so you better be prepared for anything.
Universities usually don’t have a dress code, although students of some schools often prefer smart casual.
The minimum set of clothes will be as follows:
- Several home wear looks;
- Pajamas;
- An outfit for events such as homecoming, theater play, or student party;
- Baskets and organizers are convenient for upgrading a room’s functionality to the fullest;
- Warm clothes and shoes if you don’t plan to come home before winter break.
By the way, students who spend Christmas in the dorm usually decide to decorate it at the highest level. No doubt, you certainly need such inspirational decorations as wreaths, a mini tree, fairy lights, and candles. Really, once you create such an incredible atmosphere in your room, guests are unlikely to leave it!
Household Accessories
As for the items mentioned below, make sure they don’t violate student dorm rules.
- An electric extension cord is essential if there are few outlets in the room;
- Electric kettle and hair dryer. In some dorms, these electrical appliances are prohibited due to poor wiring. Thus, check the policies to avoid problems;
- An iron and a board for it, a vacuum cleaner, and a laundry dryer are often sold by older students, so you can save a lot on them;
- An ergonomic desk lamp to reduce eye tension. You certainly don’t want to ruin your eyesight, do you?
Another thing we want to talk about is a portable full-length mirror. First, it’s a unique design solution to enlarge your space. Second, your outfits will always be perfect thanks to it.
To feel comfortable in any lecture, make sure you have:
- Pens. The more, the better. You certainly will lose a couple of them somewhere and lend part to your groupmates;
- Pencils. Buy more for drawings or sketches;
- Notebooks;
- Markers of different colors to highlight the necessary information in the text and separate the topics of lectures;
- Files for printed works. Otherwise, all your pages will be damaged quickly;
- A stapler. The teacher won’t lose part of your work by mistake. Everything is safe when fastened;
- Stickers to keep everything you need to remember in sight.
To Wrap It Up
In order not to forget anything, write down the essential items in the planner or create a list in your notes. As we mentioned earlier, you can save a lot if you spend a little more time looking for great deals. What if your older friends give away something for free or offer you an exchange? Indeed, going to garage sales or cleaning out the closet can be surprisingly beneficial.
And here’s the last tip: don’t worry, and don’t be too hard on yourself! Even if you forget something at home, it’s no tragedy. In any case, parents can send you the necessities by post or friends can lend you something. But, of course, moving isn’t easy, and you are already doing a great job by planning everything in detail!
Photo by Shashi Chaturvedula on Unsplash

One Comment
Emma Watson
Every student dorm should have essentials for comfort and productivity: a comfortable bed with bedding, study desk and chair, adequate lighting, storage solutions, mini-fridge, microwave, electric kettle, basic kitchenware, laundry hamper, cleaning supplies, power strip, and a reliable internet connection. These items ensure a conducive environment for studying, sleeping, and daily living needs within the limited space of a dormitory.