16 Washi Tape Ideas For a Vibrant Colorful Home
There are thousands of materials you can use for making crafts and most, if not all, are colorful. In a world where everything can be shared, these crafts and materials can spread like wild fireĀ and with over thousands of pins done with washi tape crafts, it’s not a wonder if you’ll also start saving pins and materializing these washi tape ideas, just like any other respectable diy enthusiast.
1. Cover and protect your keyboard

Add color to a simple mundane item and transform it beyond belief, you will simply adore your new, refreshed item.
2. Be loud and be proud with washi tape wall art initials

3. Classic picture frame made fun and colorful with washi tape

4. Never get confused with keys again

Do you have too many keys at home? Do you scramble and try one key at a time to get your front door open? Then this simple washi tape idea can surely help!
5. Upgrade your walls with washi tape

6. Make your clips colorful and fun

7. Washi tape nail art is a swift graphic solution

8. Don’t throw those mint tins yet

Make these super easy and vibrant washi mint tins, perfect for your small accessories and loose change.
9. Create the perfect pot gift with washi tapes

10. Washi tape organizers can work wonders

11. Washi tape tea candles for a more colorful dinner date

12. Recycling old notebooks will never be boring with pretty washi tapes

Kids and teens often like new things each school year, but it might not be possible for all. Recycling notebooks can be a tiresome yet washi tapes will surely turn it around.
13. Washi mason jars are the perfect containers

14. Personalized greeting cards with washi tape designs

15. Keep your cords tidy with this simple washi tape hack

We all want a safe home and make sure anything we can trip on is safely tucked away, so using this simple hack can surely make us feel a little safer.
16. Washi vase are for the perfect centerpiece

Creative and graphic these washi tape ideas are, what do you think ? We would love to hear your opinion in the comment section below !