15 Bottle Cap Art Ideas You Can Make For Your Home
We all know that we need to recycle both glass and plastic bottles, but have you ever asked what can you do with bottle caps? The most common answer for this question is “Nothing, just throw it away”. But did you know that are more fun ways of using bottle caps? Though these small caps seem nothing but disposable, you can use bottle caps as decor for your home. Here are 15 bottle cap ideas you can make for your home and you can even make some for your friends and loved ones!
1. Bottle cap chalkboard

Scribble your sweet nothings, daily reminders and quotes for the day with this chalkboard adorned with colorful bottle caps.
2. Bring out your inner patriot with your own bottle cap flag

3. Make your fence more interesting with colorful bottle caps and an artistic touch

Have some space on your fence? Want to decorate it without using paint? Then this idea will surely be a better option for that empty fence space!
4. Bottle cap flowers that can adorn and complement your garden

If you have a garden, big or small, these bottle cap flowers can make it look lovelier! These bottle cap flowers can be used no matter what season.
5. Anchor’s away!
This bottle cap anchor can be placed in any part of your home, but will surely be best on your very own man cave.
6. Take the sea and its beauty at home with this turtle bottle cap art

Loving Mother Nature does not have to be complicated.. You only need to recycle and show her beauty without hunting animals.
7. Simple pattern and a solid background can make a wall more stunning!

8. Upgrade your table with colorful bottle caps

No need to throw away that old table. Just gather those bottle caps and create a work of art that can upgrade your old table.
9. Bottle cap mirrors brings out the beauty in you

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, this time adorn it with bottle caps galore! You can leave the colorful bottle caps as is, or you can paint it in any color to match the color of your home or room.
10. Hoot! hoot! says the owl

11. Colorful bottle caps and simple design can match any artwork

12. Who ever said bottle caps should be thrown away

This work of art will prove that even bottle caps can bring out the inner Van Gogh in you.
13. Strings and bottle caps will never look the same with this amazing wall art

14. Bring the beach feels home with this lovely mermaid bottle cap design

Whether you want to have fins of your own or you simply want a reminder of the sea, this bottle cap art inspiration will definitely put you on the right feels.
15. Manliest man cave sign you’ll ever see

How else can you prove that your man cave is the best? Have a bottle cap sign! It doesn’t just show your collection of beer bottle caps, but also show you’re man enough to display your own hideout.

One Comment
I’ve been saving water bottle caps for ages and have several zippered sandwich bags full of them. I don’t see any water bottle caps in these suggestions, only beer bottle caps, possibly some soft drink caps. I’ve thought about gluing the whitish caps to a board or tray of some sort and making mats for plants and flower vases to sit on. Glue them flat side down so the inside part can catch any water spills before they escape the tray.