10 Fun & Creative DIY Crafts To Spark Your Inner Artist
No one can deny the allure of having to create things from your imagination and creativity. That’s why DIY has become a very lucrative industry and an essential part of many people’s lives nowadays. Are you looking for fun and creative DIY crafts to spark your inner artist this weekend? Well, here are ten of them:
1. Diamond Painting Kits
You may have already seen diamond paintings in various videos on social media. It’s one of the most enjoyable DIY crafts out there right now. And the best thing about this is that it doesn’t involve paint! There’s no need to be accidentally splashed on with pigments, and you don’t want to worry about any mess once you’re done.
Diamond painting can spark your inner artist. But if you’re new, a great place to start is with the diamond painting kit collection at Dreamer Designs.
2. Pressed Flower
Pressing flowers on paper is one of the oldest DIY crafts that can spark your inner artist. The process is simple. You get a dry flower that doesn’t have dew or moisture in it. If you have fresh ones, you may want to leave them in a cool and dry place for a few hours.
Once you have a dry flower, get a sheet of parchment paper and fold it in half. Insert the flowers inside and press them inside a thick book. Stack other books or heavy materials on it to keep everything pressed tight. Leave it for a few weeks to a month.
These pressed and dried flowers have practical applications in your other DIY crafts. You can use them on epoxy coasters, phone cases, and luminarias or lanterns.
3. Tie-Dye
A decade ago, tie-dyeing was the rage. The number of designs you can create with a tie-dye shirt or scarf is endless. Depending on how you twist and fold the fabric, spray or sprinkle the dye, and wash the material, you can create masterpiece after masterpiece.
4. Foam Plate Printing
Printmaking is considered an old form of art. In Japan, it has a famous tradition surrounding it called ukiyo-e, which centers around producing woodblock prints. Thankfully, you don’t need to carve art on wood to print. You can instead use foam plates, which are relatively soft and durable, to stamp your designs on paper over and over again.
5. Pinch Clay Pot
Pottery is an excellent hobby to have. However, it can be expensive, and the equipment needed can take up a lot of space in your home. A good alternative is to make pinch clay pots instead. All you need is clay and an oven.
Note that you can choose from three kinds of clay: polymer, air-drying, and pottery. The process of producing pinch clay pots may vary depending on the type of clay you choose.
6. Customized Colored Candles
Making customized colored candles are relaxing and can unleash your creativity. Also, you can’t just stop at just making colored candles. You can also add fragrances and scents to them, making them highly valuable when you want to meditate, have a candle-lit dinner, or have a relaxing bath. And while you’re at it, why not make candle holders too?
7. Knitting And Crocheting
Knowing knitting and crocheting puts you miles above in the hierarchy of DIYers, if there’s anything like that. With these skills, you can create almost anything and everything fancy. You can even look into selling your crafts for some pretty pennies. With these, the sky’s the limit regarding design and how much your creativity will shine.
8. Embroidering And Cross-Stitching
One can argue that embroidering and cross-stitching are one step above knitting and crocheting. Regardless, being capable of both these skills can allow you to express your creativity and imagination on everything you own that’s made of fabric. Meanwhile, if you’re not too confident with your designs, you can always follow or copy existing ones and add your own flair to them.
9. Glass Etching
Now, glass etching isn’t for the faint of hearts. There are two common ways glass etching can be done. One can be through the use of etching cream. Another method is through the use of a rotary tool.
Either method will involve having finesse and some safety precautions. Nonetheless, etched glass is a beautiful DIY craft that people would praise even if your design is terrible. Of course, this isn’t to say that your designs would actually be bad. This is to say, learning the skill alone would be lovely and it can be an excellent creative outlet that everyone would appreciate and be amazed about.
10. Resin Art
People are crazily invested in resin art these days. After all, it’s one of the DIY crafts that can allow you to create almost anything. Crafts range from small coasters to humongous resin tables. The only caveat with resin art is that it can quickly become an expensive hobby. But don’t be discouraged; it lets you flex your creative muscles and is a practical craft you can be proud of.
These ten fun and creative DIY crafts can spark your inner artist, and they were carefully selected to allow you to have a wide range of options regardless of your budget, skill levels, and the time you can spend. Indeed, you’ll find one of them as your future favorite DIY hobby.
Photo by Daria Shevtsova on Unsplash