What You Should and Should Not Take When You Move Home
Relocating can be stressful and expensive, yet it’s an opportunity for a new beginning — building a new life in a new place. Moving gives you a chance to leave behind anything you didn’t like in your old life. It’s a chance to build the life you have always wanted. However, you may wonder how to pull this off. Should you leave everything behind and start afresh? Should you hold on to items that have defined who you are for many years? Or should you get rid of everything and only keep the items you treasure? This article goes over what you should and shouldn’t keep when you move home.
What You Shouldn’t Take When You Move Home
It can be challenging to choose which items to keep; however, you can come up with a list based on the worth of an item, its frequency of use, and how simple it is to replace it. Here are some items you should get rid of when moving:
- Clothing: Overdoing it when packing clothing is a common mistake people make when moving houses. Take time to look through your clothes and identify clothes you wear often and those you don’t. Donate or sell the ones you don’t wear often. Consider the weather of the area you’re moving to, as this will help you identify the clothes you don’t need.
- Bulky Items: Books and DVDs take up much packing space, as do large electronic gadgets such as unused desktop computers and laptops. You can do away with these great items by having a garage sale.
- Bathroom Items: Half of the items on your bathroom shelf are probably expired, easily replaceable, or unimportant. If you have expired medications, ensure you dispose of them safely.
- Old Furniture: Furniture is often cumbersome to transport. Relocating is an excellent chance to let go of some old furniture. You can donate your furniture to several charitable organizations if they’re in pristine condition.
- Garage Junk: Like the bathroom cabinet, there are likely many items in your garage that you’ll never need. These items could include fertilizers, insecticides, and other dangerous chemicals. Ensure you get rid of them safely.
- Appliances: Moving to a new house means updating your appliances. You need to find a way to get rid of your old appliances. You can donate them if they’re still functional. This will assist your mover in loading your items faster.
- Household Items: These are the perfect items for a garage sale. Take an inventory of the items you use and sell those you no longer use.
- Bedding: Purchasing new bedding for your new home is the best option as they’ll be comfortable, and you’ll create more room in a moving truck.
- Vehicles: If you have any cars sitting on our property, you can sell them to help lower some moving costs.
What to Take When Moving
Your keep list is more important than the things you leave behind. Nevertheless, the keep list is usually simpler to create and harder to trim. Still, thinking about the future value of items you intend to keep after moving is helpful. Here are some items you should take with you when moving:
- A First Night Bag: This will allow you to find a change of clothes faster and avoid the hassle of digging through boxes to find essential items such as blankets and toothbrushes.
- Precious Memories: Special gifts, presents, and heirlooms with sentimental value are always worth keeping. If possible, you should convert analog photos to digital photos. If you have queries about expensive, fragile, and large items, contact a mover with Muval to ask about specialty moving services.
- Papers: When relocating, you’ll want to retain essential documents like financial records, family birth certificates, and marriage licenses. That said, less essential papers are unnecessary baggage. Consider scanning the less important documents into your computer.
- Difficult to Replace Items: If you have a priced artwork or a unique piece of furniture that would be challenging to replace, consider taking them with you.
- Pet Favorites: Relocating can be very stressful for pets; thus, making your new home as familiar as possible can go a long way. Favorite beds, leashes, and toys can make a significant difference and assist with the adjustment.
- Electronics: Electronics can be quite expensive; therefore, the last thing you’d want is for them to be damaged during a move. You should carry items such as TVs and large game consoles when moving. However, you should consider taking out sufficient moving insurance for them.
- Items You’ll Use: Ultimately, deciding what you should keep or throw away depends on whether you intend to use them in the foreseeable future. If there are items you’ll need to use in your new home; it only makes sense that you keep them.
Wrap Up
When moving houses, last-minute loose ends can take you off schedule and fray nerves — deciding what not to pack and what to pack usually contributes to this. Letting go of items you’ve owned for a long time can be difficult; however, making choices ahead will save you a lot of hassle in the move. Additionally, selling some items can help you make money to offset some of the moving costs.
Photo by Tetiana SHYSHKINA on Unsplash