The Benefits of Heavy-Duty Access Doors in Construction Fit-Outs
In the construction world, many terms might confuse some clients in the industry. One of those terms familiar to the designers and architects is Fit-Outs. In building construction preparation, fit-outs refer to installing ceilings, floors, furnishings, and partitions, including essential building components such as internet connectivity, wiring, cabling, and arrangement of communication technology also fall under the fitting-out process. Installing heavy-duty access doors would perfectly conceal these valuable building components.
When constructing a new commercial building, the inside spaces are left bare to allow the tenants or occupants to determine the level needed for fitting out or refurbishment. Fit-outs will enable the occupants to plan and create how the specific establishment or place will look.
Fit-outs in commercial buildings fall into three major classification categories, Category A, B and the third one is Shell-Core fit-outs. Here are the three different types of type of commercial building fit-outs:
Category-A Fit-Out
This Category-A fit-out in commercial buildings typically refers to commercial spaces ready for renting. It is a functional unit having some essential building utility components such as plumbing fixtures, electrical wiring connections, etc., already in place. Usually, this fit-outs category involves installing features like:
- Raised access floors
- Electrical outlets
- Fire protection systems
- HVAC systems
- Grid ceiling
- Toilets
The space is functional, but it lacks secondary design features to fit the area for its intended usage. From this commercial space phase, the tenant moves in and will plan, create and implement Category-B fit-outs.
Category-B Fit-Out
The Category-B fit out in commercial spaces is the final layout of the building space that will consider the business image and needs. This fit-outs process involves incorporating systems and features lacking in the Category-A fit-outs phase. Typically it mainly affects the interior aesthetic design fit-out phase, where the space will become more specific to the business needs and requirements.
This fit-outs phase involves installing lighting fixtures, painting, flooring design, partitioning, furniture, window treatment, and branding. The company’s team size, protocols, work ethics, and culture will influence the process of this Category-B fit-out to achieve the desired results. It is the construction stage where the company will tap its creativity and business style to have a compelling brand image.
Shell-Core Fit-Out
This fit-out is suitable for large businesses and companies taking up significant space. In this phase of commercial building spaces, the framework is already in place and is waiting for the fit-out process. The envelope of the commercial building from outside may appear done. However, it’s missing essential components like interior walls, heating ventilating system, power, water, etc. This Shell-Core fit-out allows the company to custom fit the entire space to its specifications requirements.
These construction stages or phases in commercial structures are impossible to get done without safely concealing those essential building components. Most of the local building codes require installing heavy-duty access doors in large commercial buildings to safely cover or hide significant building components such as electrical controls, HVAC system communication rooms.
Aside from safety, incorporating those heavy access doors provides a lot of benefits in the commercial buildings such as:
Conceal Large Building Components
Most of the time, commercial buildings require large openings to conceal large building equipment and components. In this scenario, a thicker with a large opening access door is ideal for safely hiding those huge building components.
Provides Safety
Commercial buildings are highly dependent on ample voltage of electricity. The use of a variety of large cables and wires is inevitable. These components are a potential risk hazard to everyone, especially in commercial buildings. Access doors and panels will completely hide these wirings and cables and mitigate this potential hazard. They can ensure moisture protection and tampering protection to prevent power trips, electrocution, and other potential dangers that these components might bring if exposed and not concealed. However, to further protect these cables, the use of an underground cable cover is highly recommended. These are typically heavy-duty covers designed to protect wires, cables, and electrical equipment from damage.
Provides Easy Access
They will provide efficient and safe access to the mechanical and electrical systems of the building. Access doors allow easy access during inspection and maintenance, including emergencies in all building components, whether on the wall or ceilings.
Provide Alternative Extra Storage
Access doors serve as another space layer to add specific spots on the ceilings or walls. Aside from providing safe access during maintenance and emergency, it also acts as additional storage.
Limit Accidental or Unauthorized Access
Concealing all building components is essential, as it can result in injuries and property damage when any unauthorized personnel enters it. Access doors and panels will limit accidental and unauthorized access to crucial building components as it features locks that keep those components safe.
Local building codes require the installation of access doors and panels, especially for commercial building projects, as it brings a lot of proven safety features and benefits to the occupants and the building itself. So when having fit-outs projects, be sure to incorporate access doors and panels in your plan.
Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash