HVAC Unit Issues
Home Improvement,  Tips & Tricks

6 HVAC Unit Issues That You Don’t Need To Hire A Professional For

This blog post is about 6 HVAC unit issues that you can fix yourself. It might seem like a daunting task, but it’s not! We’ll go over these common problems and give you the steps to take to solve them. You may even find out that one of these issues has been plaguing your home and costing you money for years without your knowledge.

Dirty Filter

A dirty filter will decrease the efficiency of your unit and can cause it to overheat. Be sure to change your filters regularly (every month is ideal) to ensure optimal performance. If you have a dirty filter, it is time for a replacement. If you have duct exhaust fans, they should be cleaned every six months. If you have an electronic air cleaner, it is recommended to change the filter once a month and clean out the unit with water on occasion (once or twice per year) to remove any dust buildup.

Frozen Coil

In the process of heating, your HVAC unit is going to go through a cycle. A fan blows cold air over a hot coil and that passes heat into the home just like you would expect it to do. With this being said, however, sometimes these coils can freeze up if they have been in use for too long without any cooldown period or even when there has been an extended power outage where temperatures outside are still quite cool. In either case, frozen coils create issues with airflow which means that your system will not be able to produce very much heat at all until they thaw out again. This can cause problems during winter but also anytime when outdoor weather conditions make it difficult for the warm air in your house to circulate throughout every corner.

A coil needs to be frozen for this to happen. If there is an issue with your thermostat or wiring, you should still contact a professional even if the coils thaw out again by themselves within just a few hours. This typically happens when people are trying to save money on their utility bills and decide that it’s okay not to call someone about these problems because they see no immediate danger of anything major happening which could lead to more extensive repairs later down the line.

Dirty Coils

Dirty coils are a common HVAC unit issue. Dirty coils can lead to your system running for longer periods than it needs, which will cause you to use more energy and pay higher utility bills than necessary. It also puts the compressor at risk of failure due to overheating.

Fortunately, you can clean the coils yourself by purchasing a coil cleaning kit from your local hardware store. There are several different brands available for purchase and they all work in much the same way, using an acid-based solution to break down dirt buildup along with a brush to scrub it away. Simply follow the instructions on your specific product packaging.

Lack of Maintenance

One of the leading causes of HVAC unit failure is a lack of proper maintenance. Just like any other piece of equipment, your HVAC system needs to be serviced regularly to ensure optimal performance. This is especially important if you’ve noticed that your cooling or heating system isn’t working as it should.

Experts recommend having your HVAC unit serviced once per year, typically before the start of the summer and winter seasons. If there are any problems with the equipment, they can be resolved during this time so that future issues do not develop. It’s also a good idea to have an inspection done after every major weather event where heavy rainfall was present for at least 15 minutes since flooding could damage internal components of your air conditioner or furnace system. If you’re not comfortable performing some of the tasks necessary for routine maintenance, such as changing air filters or checking refrigerant levels, hire a professional to do it for you. However, most minor issues can be handled by the homeowner if they are familiar with basic procedures.

Improper Installation

If you notice that your HVAC unit is not working properly, make sure to check the installation first. Experts recommend having a technician inspect and repair any issues with the improper installation before proceeding to do it yourself to avoid further damage or wasting time trying to fix something incorrectly.

Your unit might not be installed properly if it is tilted or has one section that appears to be higher than the other. If you notice something like this, check the ground level of your house and compare it with where your HVAC unit is installed at. You should also look for any debris or objects around your unit since they may have fallen onto the fan blades during installation and are causing the issue. If you have installed your HVAC unit yourself, it is important to make sure that you followed the manufacturer’s instructions properly. One common mistake people make is not leveling the unit properly. This can cause your system to work harder than necessary and lead to early failure. Be sure to use a level when installing your unit and double-check that it is straight before tightening any bolts or screws. You should also check for proper drainage around your unit since water can damage both the inside and outside of your machine if not drained away correctly.

Wrong Size

If you have a system that is too large or small for the space, it will be less efficient. A contractor can come out and size your home’s HVAC unit so it works as efficiently as possible. If they try to sell you on one that is larger than what your home needs just because of convenience, find another company that offers honest advice. It costs more upfront but ends up saving money long-term through energy savings since the machine won’t have to work harder than necessary burning extra fuel to cool your house. In addition, if they suggest an undersized air conditioner thinking it will save them from having to replace units before their life expectancy runs out; think again! This will cost homeowners much more over time in energy bills and can even cause the AC unit to break down sooner.

These are just a few common HVAC problems that homeowners frequently face. While some issues may require the help of an expert, there are many fixes you can do by yourself!

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