Lawn Weeds With Blue Flowers: How To Control Them?
Weeds are unwanted plants that grow on a lawn, and they can be quite a headache for gardeners who want to keep their yard neat. However, some weeds with blue flowers can be beautiful and add color to your yard. This article will discuss popular lawn weeds with blue flowers you may encounter in your garden. Scroll down to learn more!
Lawn Weeds With Blue Flowers
Do weeds have purple flowers? The answer is yes! Below are the common types you may have come across in your yard:
#1. Tiny Bluets
Tiny bluets are one of the most common weeds with blue flowers. They have small, delicate, four-petal flowers ranging from pale blue to violet blue. These weeds bloom from early spring to early summer and can only grow two inches tall. Tiny Bluets are a weed but a great nectar source for bees. Furthermore, they may look pretty but can quickly spread throughout your yard if left unchecked.
#2. Siberian Squill
Siberian Squill is a small, bulbous perennial that produces clusters of tiny blue flowers in early spring. The leaves are narrow and pointed. They grow to a height of about 4 – 6 inches. Their flowers are star-shaped and face upward. They are usually pale blue but can also be pink or white. Gardeners often use Siberian Squill as a ground cover, but it can quickly become invasive.
#3. Common Blue Violet
Common Blue Violet is a low-growing perennial. This weed produces small, blue-violet flowers in spring and early summer. The leaves are heart-shaped, and they have toothed edges. Common Blue Violet grows to about 4 – 8 inches and spreads using rhizomes. You can find these weeds in shaded areas and wooded areas.
#4. Henbit
Henbit is an annual weed that grows to about 6 – 12 inches. It produces small, blue-purple flowers in early spring. The leaves of Henbit are round and have scalloped edges. They grow in an opposite pattern along the stem.
This weed is common in lawns, gardens, and along roadsides. It’s worth noting that this weed can quickly take over a yard if left unchecked.
#5. Asiatic Dayflower
Asiatic Dayflower is an annual weed that is native to Asia. It grows to a height of about 6-18 inches and produces small, blue flowers that resemble a bird’s head. The leaves of the Asiatic Dayflower are long and narrow. They can grow to a length of about 3 – 4 inches.
This weed is widespread in lawns, gardens, and along roadways. While it may look pretty, it can quickly spread to your yard if uncontrolled.
#6. Carpetweed
Carpetweed is an annual weed that can grow up to 12 inches. It produces small, blue flowers arranged in clusters at the stem tips. The leaves of Carpetweed are small and oval-shaped. They grow in an opposite pattern along the stem. You can find them in lawns, gardens, and along walkways.
While Carpetweed is a weed, it is an excellent food source for birds and other wildlife.
#7. Columbine Aquilegia
Columbine Aquilegia is a perennial weed that grows to a height of about 12 – 24 inches. It produces small, blue, bell-shaped flowers that hang downward. The leaves of Columbine Aquilegia are rounded and grow in an alternating pattern along the stem.
You can see this weed in gardens and wooded areas. Columbine Aquilegia may spread over your yard like other weeds if you don’t control it.
#8. Creeping Bellflower
Creeping Bellflower is a perennial weed that grows to about 12 – 30 inches. It produces small, blue, bell-shaped flowers that hang downward. The leaves of Creeping Bellflowers are heart-shaped and grow to a length of about 4-6 inches. These plants can quickly spread and form dense patches that can be challenging to remove.
#9. Blue Oxalis
Blue Oxalis is a low-growing perennial that produces small, blue-violet flowers in early spring. The leaves of this plant are clover-like. Besides, they can grow to about 4 – 8 inches. Blue Oxalis spreads through rhizomes and can quickly become invasive. It is common in lawns, gardens, and along walkways.
How To Get Rid Of Blue Flowers On Lawn?
Blue flowers can be a nuisance on your lawn. If that’s the case, consider the following methods to eliminate them!
Method 1: Regular mowing
One of the easiest ways to control blue flowers on your lawn is by regularly mowing the grass. Blue flowers thrive in long grass, so by keeping the grass short, you can prevent them from spreading. Mowing your lawn once a week during the growing season is usually sufficient to keep blue flowers under control. If you are confused between lawn mowers and weed wackers, click on it to visit our website for detailed reviews.
Method 2: Hand pulling
Hand pulling is another effective way to eliminate blue flowers on your lawn, mainly if there are only a few. Remove the entire plant, including the roots, to prevent regrowth. Besides, you can loosen the soil around the weed with a small hand trowel before pulling it out.
Method 3: Herbicides
You might need pesticides to control your grass’s severe blue flower invasion. Several herbicides are available in the market that can effectively kill blue flowers. However, ensure you choose one that is safe for your grass type. Read the instructions carefully! Most importantly, apply the herbicide according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Method 4: Overseeding
Overseeding your lawn with grass seed can also help prevent blue flowers from taking over.
By thickening the grass, you create a barrier that makes it difficult for blue flowers to grow.
Make sure you choose a grass seed appropriate for your lawn and climate.
The Bottom Line
Identifying lawn weeds with blue flowers can be challenging, but knowing what to look for can make it easier. If your yard has too many weeds with blue flowers, control them before they become invasive. Regular weeding and correct lawn care can help keep your garden healthy and weed-free.