How To Use Crafts To Decorate Different Types Of Gardens
With the rising cost of basic commodities, it is only right for hobbyists and amateur gardeners to think about the cost of the equipment and ornaments they put in their gardens. It is easy to dream a complete set of gardening decor and equipment, but when the finances is low, it is only prudent to create things by yourself. So you can find here some ideas for different types of gardens.
Buying gardening equipment is a great way to invest for the future of your garden. On the other hand, buying expensive garden ornaments and decors can substantially destroy your budget. Luckily, not all garden decors and ornaments must be bought from stores. There are plenty of ways you can build a home garden with complete ornaments without spending too much.
With some creativity, you can build a beautiful garden without spending so much. Here are some great do-it-yourself craft ideas you can use to create decors for your garden.
Create Copper Plant Markers for your Edible Garden
Watermelon, pumpkin, melon, and zucchini have the same leaves and the same length. Before they grow fruits, these plants are virtually indistinguishable. Sometimes, people grow the same kind species of plants but of different varieties. Like for instance, different breeds of tomatoes can be grown together. However, without plant right markers, it can be very difficult to distinguish which is which.
A common mistake that people make when crafting their own DIY plant markers is using perishable materials like paper and cardboard. Vegetables are watered daily; plant markers will not last very long if you use papers to make them, you need materials that can withstand continuous watering and direct sunlight.
To create resilient and long lasting, but attractive plant marker, copper plate is the best material. Copper can withstand the punishing elements. It does not corrode easily and has a red metallic sheen that adds to the beauty of your DIY project.
For this project, you need to get 36-gauge copper sheets.
What you need to do is decide on the shape of the copper plates that you are going to use. Draw a model of the shape that you want on a piece of paper. Cut the paper into the shape that you imagined. This will be your pattern in cutting your copper plates. Stick the paper pattern on the copper plate. Cut the edge of the copperplate, tracing the shape of your paper pattern in the process.
Instead of writing down the name of the plants with a marker, you can etch the words directly on the copper. This metal is extremely malleable. You can use a sharp pencil to etch groves of letters on your copper plate. You can do this by placing the copper shapes on a soft dish towel. Using a blunt pencil, you can write the names of your plants with a blunt pencil.
You can add other designs on the copper plate.
For the stem, you can use a 12-gauge copper wire. Cu the wire roughly to a 12 to 16 inches in length. Straighten them with a roller. After this, you can solder the copper wire at the back of the copper plate. This will be the stem of your Copper Plant Markers. To prevent tarnishing, do not forget to spray the markers with clear enamel.
Other than the names of the vegetables in your edible garden, you can also use this copper plant markers for other types of ornaments. You can add signs for gardening tools.
Build Colorful Raised Bed Cannabis Garden with used Drawers
A raised bed garden is a type of garden which is used by gardeners with small patch of land. This is perfect for cannabis because this type of garden ensures that there is ample space for the roots of marijuana to grow.
This can be created for a small land area that may be a bit larger than an ordinary office veranda or a home patio. This could be built in a standard backyard.
Raised bed garden got its name because this method of gardening effectively raising the soil for as much a few inches higher from the ground to multiple leveled garden. Usually, people use rocks to build the little wall that will contain and raise the soil. This time, you will use multiple stacks of drawers.
You will need four drawers of different sizes.
The first thing to do is to remove the bottom part of your drawers. This will allow the water to drain when you finally water the plants.
The biggest drawer will be at the bottom. Fill the space of the drawer with soil. Stack on top of the first drawer the second largest drawer. Fill this up with soil as well. Repeat this if you want to add another layer. For special garden like cannabis type, choosing the soil can affect the plants health and color. Please review this list to choose the suitable soil for your cannabis garden.
Add splashes of colors by painting the drawers.
You can grow anything in this garden. Cannabis and other vegetables will grow well in this kind of set up. Marijuana plants will really benefit from the amount of soil that you can add on the stacks of drawers.
Turn an Old Tire into a Hanging Planter for your Flower Garden
A great way to add some surprises to your flower garden is to add those hanging flowerpots. Instead of buying, you can turn an old tire into a colorful hanging tire planter.
All you need to do is make drainage holes in the bottom of the tire. Tires are quite thick. You can use a drill to do this. Use spray-paint to color the tire. Building up layers upon layers of the paint to make sure that all the groves have been covered with paint. Fill the bottom of the tire with soil and plant your favorite seasonal flowers. Using a rope, hang the tire planter from a tree or porch. You may also hang more than one tire flower planters on your wall. This could be a nice vertical garden.