Health & Beauty

How Having Plants At Home Can Improve Your Health And Mood

You might not think that something as simple as having plants at home can make a big difference in your life, but it does! Plants provide many benefits to people, including improving health and mood. This article will go over the health benefits you get from having these green friends around the house!

Lower Stress Levels

Our brains produce stress hormones in response to various stimuli. When we are exposed to certain types of plants, our body responds by releasing more serotonin and dopamine which can counteract the effects of anxiety- or depression-causing substances such as adrenaline. The change is enough that it has measurable physical effects on heart rate variability and blood pressure. 

Also, planting a garden can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve moods, and even boost immunity! This is because gardening involves physical activity as well so it’s an all-around great way to get outside more often or just to find a way to relax at home.

Reduced Feelings of Loneliness

Plants can improve moods and reduce feelings of loneliness; researchers have found that people who had plants in their work environment felt more connected to nature than those without plants nearby. The presence of this greenery reduced the chances of being socially rejected too; it was less likely you’d be excluded from the conversation if there were other living things around- they seem to act as buffers against social rejection.


Plants generally release negative ions which disperse positive ones (this is why it feels good to be near waterfalls). Negative ions cause our brains to secrete endorphins that create feelings of happiness; they act almost as opiates do for some people.

A Calming Aesthetic

The aesthetic nature of flowers and plants not only beautifies your home, but can also make you feel relaxed, and more self-confident because of the calming effect they have on your mood. As the folks at Urban Organic explain, the purple passion plant for example has appeasing effects on some portions of the brain, thereby soothing the nervous system and allowing you to relax.

The calming effect is a result of the phytoncides that are released from the plants. These are plant-based chemicals that also ward off pests and keep the plants healthy.

The soothing effect is so profound that it has been found that people felt less stressed when looking at pictures of nature scenes than urban ones.

Improved Air Quality

Plants can improve air quality. Some studies show the average number of airborne particles in a house with plants is less than half as many as there would be without any plants. This means you’re breathing easier!

Plants have natural air filtration which can reduce your chances of getting sick (and plants in the home are better at filtering out small particulates than even HEPA filters).

When they are grown, plants produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide so their presence can actually make you healthier if you have respiratory problems like asthma or allergies. Plants may even improve symptoms of these conditions by acting as a buffer to allergens found outside such as pollen and dust particles. Along with cleaning the air around us, they reduce chemical concentrations such as formaldehyde found in carpets that have been treated with fire-retardant chemicals. This has links back to increased respiratory problems for children who live near busy streets.

Better Sleep

Plants produce oxygen which improves the quality of rest. There are some other factors to consider when determining how having plants will affect your sleeping patterns: height from ground level (taller is best), plant variety, time of year, and where you place them in your bedroom.

The taller the plant, the higher up from ground level it is. The plants that are closer to you will filter out toxins and produce more oxygen than those further away.

Time of year also plays a role in how much our sleeping pattern improves; during winter when there’s less sunlight entering your bedroom windows, having indoor plants can make all the difference for getting some quality rest at night.

Finally where you place them matters too: high-up bookshelves or window sills may be better choices than low tables close to bed if you want an environment that helps lull you off to sleep while giving you something beautiful to look at!

If you’re looking for a way to reduce your own stress or the levels of the people in your household, one easy trick is adding plants. Plants can lower feelings of loneliness by making them feel more connected to their environment and improve air quality with their natural abilities to clean toxins from indoor environments. They also improve the quality of sleep. So if you want an inexpensive and effective way for your family or loved ones to get healthier and happier every day then invest in some healthy houseplants.


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