Home Improvement

Home Must Know Facts About Above Ground Oil Tanks

If you own an oil tank or need to get one, there is plenty of vital information you need to know. You need to decide the kind of oil tank you will get: underground or above ground. Both types have their fair share of risks so keep reading this home must know facts about oil tanks.

Underground tanks pose a lot of environmental hazards, are harder to inspect, and maintain. Above ground tanks can also cause environmental harm and can be easily compromised. Before settling on a type of oil tank, it is essential to do extensive research.

Here is some vital information about above ground oil tanks that you should know.

Home must know facts about Above Ground Oil Tanks

home must know facts about oil tanks

# It’s Essential to Choose an Appropriate Location

You can decide to put your above ground oil tank inside or outside. However, choosing to put it outside is risky because it will be easily exposed to many things that are beyond your control. Putting your tank outside exposes it more environmental factors than when it is underground. Above ground oil tanks that are outside are easily exposed to wind, water, and natural occurrences, such as a tree falling on it. All these factors put your tank at significant risk of damage.

If you want to do away with the environmental risks, you can put your tank inside. However, you will still have to look for an ideal space for placing the tank. If you opt for the garage, you will have to be extremely careful when handling your car and other tools stored in the garage. Any slight damage may cause irreparable damage to your family or property.

An above ground oil tank should ideally be placed in a cool and dry space indoors. Your basement will be perfect if you do not use it all because you do not want people hanging around the tank. If you use the basement for storage, ensure that you do not place anything near the tank that could fall and damage it

# You Can Inspect Them Easily

Unlike underground oil tanks, you can inspect an above ground tanks easily. They are more exposed than the underground ones; therefore, you should check them regularly for any signs of rust, holes, corrosion, oil stains, or loose joints. When inspecting your above ground oil tank, you must pay critical attention to its support legs. They should be able to prevent your tank from falling.

Maintaining an above ground tank is also not a hard task because you can see it. If something were to happen to your above ground oil tank, you would be aware of the incident sooner than you would an underground one.

A visual inspection of the tank helps you to detect any corrosion or leaks before they lead to widespread environmental damage. The fact that the tank is visible allows you to note a problem and fix it as soon as possible. You may only detect if your underground oil tank has a problem during an annual inspection.

# They Can Affect Your Property’s Value

Home Must Know Facts

Like underground tanks, above ground oil tanks can affect the value of your property significantly. Above ground tanks can be damaged easily; therefore, they are a significant risk to your property. It is quite expensive to clean up if any of the oil spills; hence, insurance rates and property valuation experts consider that.

Most insurance and valuation experts will not consider the simplicity of maintaining your property. If you own an above ground oil tank, it is possible to have increased insurance rates and a decrease in the value of your property.

If you decide to get an above ground oil tank, you should find an ideal space to put it to prevent oil spills and any damages to it. When dealing with above ground oil tanks, you should never take any chances. It would help if you contacted a professional to assist you if you are having any issues installing, inspecting, or removing your tank.

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