Garden Screen Installation DIY or Professional Installation

Garden Screen Installation: DIY or Professional Installation?

Installing garden screens are a great way to enhance outdoor spaces while also providing privacy and protection from the elements. There are many types of garden screens to choose from, such as wooden screens, metal screens, glass screens, natural green screens, and many more—the right screen type for you will depend on your personal needs. These aesthetically pleasing but functional structures can be used to create secluded seating areas and plant paradises, add depth, and generally create points of visual interest in your garden. But when it comes to garden screen installation, should you do it yourself or hire a professional? In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of both options to help you make an informed decision.

Garden Screen Installation – DIY Installation: Pros and Cons

For those who are skilled at DIY (or like a challenge), the prospect of installing green screens yourself might be appealing. Here are some pros and cons to going the DIY installation route:


Save money: One of the most significant advantages of installing garden screens yourself is the cost savings, as hiring a professional to do it for you can be costly depending on how many screens need to be installed.

Customisation: Installing the garden screens yourself also gives you the opportunity to customise them, as you have complete control over the design and placement. DIY installation means you get an end result that suits your personal needs and preferences, provided you have the skills to do it correctly!

Satisfaction: Finishing challenging exterior DIY projects brings a pleasant sense of accomplishment. While installing garden screens might be difficult if you’ve never done it before, you’ll be proud of yourself once you finish the job.


Time-consuming: Installing garden screens is a time-consuming task, particularly if you’ve never done it before. Before you start, you need to spend some time researching materials, learning more about the most suitable installation techniques and troubleshooting any problems you may face during the installation process.

Limited experience and expertise: If you’re unfamiliar with landscaping or construction, you may find aspects of the installation process challenging and frustrating. This could result in costly mistakes or even damage to materials that will require additional resources and time to get right.

Injury risks: Without installation experience, you risk getting injured. Using power tools you’re unfamiliar with and lifting heavy materials can pose hazards to those who are inexperienced or do not follow the correct processes.

Garden Screen Installation – Professional Installation

If the thought of installing garden screens yourself is daunting, or you simply don’t have the time, you may decide to hire a professional to install them for you. Here are the pros and cons of hiring a professional:


Experience and expertise: A professional installer will have the knowledge, skills and experience to safely install the garden screens for you, which usually leads to a high-quality result that enhances your outdoor space.

Time savings: If you’ve purchased several garden screens, it’ll likely take you a long time to install them yourself. Hiring someone experienced to install them for you saves you several hours that are probably better spent on other tasks!

Safety: Professional installers have undergone significant training and have many years of experience in their field, meaning they can safely install your garden screens without getting injured.


Cost: The most significant drawback of hiring a professional to install your garden screens is the cost. Labour expenses can add up quickly, and depending on who you choose, you may need to factor in the cost of materials and equipment.

Less control: Hiring a professional gives you less control over the end result. While they will consult with you on design and placement, you may have less control over smaller aspects of the project compared to if you did the installation yourself.

Availability: As summer gets closer, installation professionals will be more in demand. As a result, you may need to wait a few weeks for someone to become available, which delays the project.

1. The garden screen can be mounted to concrete, brick and plasterboard.

2. Ensure you have the correct fixings – screws & wall plugs.

3. Make sure it is level and flush to the wall before screwing in.

4. You’ll want to screw through the 4 corners of the garden screen for a snug and reliable fit.

5. If you are using the screens as a fence or partition you will want to make sure they are screwed and secured together before screwing into a wall or post with the correct fixings.

6. If this garden screen is metal and not wood, there should already be premade holes to screw through.

In Summary

Ultimately, the choice between installing the garden screens yourself and hiring a professional comes down to your skills, personal preferences and your budget. If you’re confident in your DIY abilities, knowing that you have the experience and skill to do it safely, doing it yourself might be the obvious option. In contrast, if you have any doubts about your abilities, consider hiring a professional to do it for you.

Doing it yourself without the necessary skills and confidence may lead to damaged screens or, in the worst-case scenario, nasty injuries. Whichever installation option you choose, the end result will be well-designed and carefully installed garden screens that transform your outdoor space, adding visual interest, functionality and privacy to your garden. All that’s left to do after the installation process is complete is invite family and friends over to marvel at the end result!

Photo by Minna Autio on Unsplash

Luke Goodman

As the Marketing Manager for The Wood Veneer Hub, Luke is passionate about interior design and helping consumers, businesses and large scale projects find innovative and sustainable solutions to their building issues. He prides himself on staying up to date with the latest trends and is never afraid to push the boundaries of design. See Luke’s Linkedin profile.

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