Five Ways To Improve Furnace's Efficiency
Tips & Tricks

Five Ways To Improve Furnace’s Efficiency

What if there are ways to enhance your furnace’s efficiency levels and save money on your heating bills?Like many homeowners in the US, you probably don’t think about your furnace until it’s not working properly. And even then, you may only think about how to get it fixed as quickly as possible. ​After learning how to improve furnace efficiency levels, you can visit this site to learn more about HVAC maintenance or repairs.

Change your furnace filter once per month for optimal performance

Your furnace is an expensive appliance, and like all appliances, it needs to be properly maintained in order to function at its best. One of the best things that you can do to a furnace is to change the filter on a monthly basis. A clean filter ensures that your furnace doesn’t have to work too hard to circulate air throughout a certain space, which can help it run more efficiently and prolong its lifespan.

In addition, a clean air filter helps to improve indoor air quality by trapping dust, pollen, and other allergens. With so many benefits, there’s no good reason not to change your furnace filter every month.

Inspect your ducts and seals for any air leaks

Most homes have some air leaks, but did you know that those leaks can add up to a lot of wasted energy? In fact, the average home has about 20 air leaks, totaling about 2,000 square inches!

So if you’re looking for ways to reduce your energy usage and save money on your utility bills, it’s a good idea to start by sealing up any air leaks in your home. The most common places for residential air leaks are around doors and windows, but they can also occur in ductwork and electrical outlets.

To seal up these leaks, you’ll need to use weatherstripping or caulk. Inspect your ducts and seals regularly for any air leaks, and make sure to seal them up as soon as you find one. It’s an easy way to improve the energy efficiency of your home and save money on your energy bills.

Make sure your residential thermostat is set to the correct temperature

During the winter months, it’s important to make sure your thermostat is set to the correct temperature. If it’s too low, your furnace will have to work overtime to heat your home, leading to higher energy bills. If it’s too high, you’ll waste energy and be uncomfortable.

The ideal setting for winter is around 68 degrees. You should also consider investing in a programmable thermostat. This way, you can set it to lower the temperature when you’re not home and raise it again just before you return.

Clean or replace your furnace if it’s more than ten years old

If your furnace is more than ten years old, it’s time to start thinking about replacing it. Not only are older furnaces less efficient, but they may also pose a safety risk. In fact, home fires caused by furnaces account for approximately 400 deaths each year.

Older furnaces are more likely to develop cracks, which can allow deadly carbon monoxide to leak into your home. Replacing your furnace may seem like a daunting task, but it’s important to remember that a new furnace will not only keep your family safe, but it will also save you money on your family’s energy bills in the long run.

So if your furnace is more than ten years old, don’t wait any longer – call a professional today and schedule a replacement.

Get a programmable thermostat to save energy when you’re not home

As utility bills continue to rise, many homeowners are looking for ways to save on their energy costs. One of the most effective ways that you can do this is by installing a programmable thermostat. These innovative devices give you the ability to set a schedule for when your heating and cooling system should be turned on and off.

For example, you can program the thermostat to turn off the air conditioner when you leave your home for work in the morning and turn it back on an hour before you come home.

In addition, programmable thermostats can be set to different temperatures for different times of day. For example, you can set the temperature to be lower at night when you are sleeping and higher during the day when you are awake and active. This can help to further reduce your energy costs and improve furnace efficiency levels even more.

Ways to enhance furnace’s efficiency levels — Conclusion

If you’re looking for ways to enhance furnace’s efficiency levels, we hope the tips in this blog post have been helpful. Remember that even a small change can make a big difference when it comes to your energy usage and monthly bills.

Be sure to contact a reputable HVAC service today if you need assistance making these changes or want someone to take a look at your furnace’s efficiency levels.

Photo by Amruth Pillai on Unsplash

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