Art Influence on Student's Mental Health
Health & Beauty

Art Influence on Student’s Mental Health

In today’s academic environments, more emphasis is placed on subjects like math and sciences. However, art is still very much relevant and can help students in several ways, especially in the area of mental health development.

Studies have shown that art can help a student perform better in school. However, if you are having challenges completing your school homework, you can get it done using a reputable online writing company. These writing sites provide help with assignment, term papers, essays, research paper, and more. They have professional in-house writers who specialize in different fields to help you with your school-related tasks. Any student looking to improve their spell for good grades can use their services. It will also help you get good teacher comments for students’ writing.

So that brings us to the question – how can art influence students’ mental health? Well, in this article, we will look at some of the ways and examples in which art can have a positive influence on students. So, let’s get started!

Helps With Creative Thinking

With art, there is no right or wrong. All you need is a blank sheet of paper and some paint to create your final work of art. This teaches you fresh, creative approaches to resolving issues in both life and your art.

Helps Relieve Stress

According to research by the American Art Therapy Association, 75% of participants’ cortisol levels were significantly lowered after just 45 minutes of art-making. People who engage in art report feeling notably calmer and less worried because it requires the mind to slow down, concentrate on the details, and help shut out distractions.

The American Art Therapy Association’s study revealed that 75% of participants’ cortisol levels were dramatically lowered after just 45 minutes of art-making. People who engage in art have a noticeable decrease in anxiety and a slowing down of the mind, which helps to block out distractions from the mind.

A 2017 study’s findings indicated a notable increase in blood flow in the prefrontal cortex of the brain, which controls our motivations and emotions, suggesting that art also activates the reward system of our brain. A portion of the brain’s reward system is located there as well. Dopamine, also known as the “feel-good hormone,” is released from certain brain regions when we anticipate receiving a reward. Our heart, lungs, blood flow, and stress responses all improve when we let go of tension.

Boosts Self Confidence

In just 45 minutes, regular artistic practice can increase anyone’s sense of success. We feel better about ourselves when we are creative. It supports the originality of our thoughts and our capacity to translate them into tangible things. Making time for hobbies and crafts can boost our self-esteem and confidence in our skills. Therefore, play the piano and knit that sweater!

Helps With Personal Growth

Expressive arts, such as writing, music, dance, drama, and visual arts, promote profound individual and social development. Expressive art therapy enables students to laugh, relax, and let go, which lowers tension, anxiety, and depressive symptoms.

Improved Communication

The ability to communicate is fundamental to humanity. Studying the arts can help students develop a range of effective communication techniques. Students who take part in choir or music ensembles, for instance, must learn how to interact verbally, emotionally, and physically with their audience as well as with their peers and conductor.

If students perform in a play, they must not only effectively communicate verbally with their audience but also convey the deeper feelings and meaning of the script. The unique communication form of art itself can be created by transforming thoughts and emotions into an artistic manifestation.

Enhances Cognitive Abilities

The ability to express one’s creativity through the creation of art activates areas of the brain related to cognition. especially in terms of learning, problem-solving, concentration, and memory. Even the creation of art presents difficulties, and when given the chance to reflect, you seek out solutions. This would help with your academics and also boost your grading college papers.

Art Influence on Mindfulness

We may embrace our Inner critic, unleash our creativity, pay attention to the sensations, and be in the moment without judgment by using art as a mindfulness practice. It’s a mental break for us!

Helps in Building Social Connection

People with similar interests might meet one another through the medium of art. People may, for instance, revere the same artists or appreciate the same artistic movement, era, or genre. It encourages conversation, especially among those who have similar interests.

It is Fun and Gives You a Sense of Accomplishment

It’s healthy for your mental well-being to enjoy yourself and have fun. simply because it can improve your mood. Additionally, it might make you feel good about your day’s activities and give you a sense of accomplishment.


As a student, art can have a positive influence on your mental health in multiple ways. Apart from building your mental health, it can also give you a sense of fulfillment.

Photo by Surface on Unsplash

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