9 of the Best Home Pest Control DIY Tips That You Can Read Online
“Home Pest Control DIY Tips” – Ditch the exterminator and try out these best home pest controls DIY tips to keep pesky bugs from penetrating your living space. Your home should be a safe place. It should be a sanctuary of peace and relaxation. However, no matter how nice your home is, if you’ve got pests, you’ve got problems.
Depending on the severity of the infestation, the presence of unwanted guests in your house can make your home feel violated and uninhabitable. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent and treat pests in your home that don’t require expensive extermination fees because you may be wondering is Terminix worth it.We’ve compiled a list of the best home pest control tips to keep your house just the way you like it – pest-free!
The Best Home Pest Control Tips
First, you need to recognize that the best way to get rid of pests is to keep them out in the first place. Unfortunately, it’s exponentially more difficult to fix a pest infestation than it is to prevent one.
That being said, it’s not impossible to exterminate or irradicate pests if they’ve already moved in. Don’t lose hope!
However, if you have a pest infestation that seems overwhelming, you might be in over your head. In this case, the matter is best left to professionals who will thoroughly exterminate and remove the pests from your home.
To avoid letting matters get out of hand, however, read through our quick guide on the best home pest control St George Utah.
1. Thoroughly Clean Food Messes
You’ve probably heard the expression, “if you feed it, you’ll never get rid of it.”
Like us, a bug’s main function in life is to survive. The basic things necessary for survival are food, water, and shelter. Food is among the strongest motivators for most creatures.
As such, bugs will go where the food is, especially if that food is readily available. This includes sources of food we may never consider, such as bread crumbs on the floor, spilled cereal in the cupboard, or the sticky remains of spilled juice or soda.
While unappealing to us, these food sources are gold mines for bugs. Ants, for example, have an amazing sense of smell and are drawn to these types of food messes.
For the best home pest control, keep anything food-related sealed up at all times. Additionally, make sure any messes are cleaned thoroughly to avoid unintentionally inviting any critters into your home.
2. Take Away Water
One of the other necessities for life is water. Like humans, bugs can’t survive without it and are, therefore, drawn to it.
Water can cause a lot of damage in our homes if it’s in the wrong place. Water damage can cause wood rot, degradation of drywall, rust, and create a sustainable environment for mold.
However, water also attracts unwanted pests into our homes. As extreme survivalists, bugs will bite, claw, and burrow their way to water sources. To avoid providing drinking holes for bugs, fix all dripping faucets and plumbing, broken appliances, negative drainage, or other leaks around the house.
For the best home pest control, keep moisture out of your house!
3. Take Away Hiding Places
Last on our list of life requirements is shelter. Humans have grown pretty picky about where we’ll hole up or live. However, bugs will take whatever they can get.
For example, if you leave a pile of dirty laundry on the floor for more than a few days, odds are you’ll find a spider under there when you go to pick it up. Bugs thrive in dark, moist places, and that’s exactly what messes on the floor provide.
To avoid created critter condos in your house, keep the floor clear of all garbage, debris, laundry, or other messes.
4. Seal Off Entrances
Next, you’ll want to make sure you’re not leaving a lot of entrances open for bugs looking for a warm place to stay. However, we’re not just talking about doors and windows here.
Check around the exterior of your home for cracks and holes. You’ll also want to look for any gaps or spaces in the roof. These small entrances are all bugs need to find their way in.
Use various sealants depending on the job and start sealing things up right away!
5. Spray Bug-Defense In and Around the Home
Next, because some bugs are so determined to get into your home, you’ll want to take one step further and use bug spray in and around your house. Don’t be surprised if you find dozens of dead bugs where you sprayed – some cleanup will be required.
Spray around the base of your house outside and along the frames of all doors and windows, focusing on the cracks they may use to enter. Inside, spray the cracks of the exterior doors and any gaps in the window where bugs may get in. Double down in the basement, as this is a hotspot for pests!
6. Clean Regularly
Next, to practice the best home pest control, you need to clean regularly. Not having messes on the floor is a great start, but you’ll need to do more than that.
It’s good practice to keep on top of any forming cobwebs, as to deny comfortable living for spiders. You’ll also want to frequently sweep, mop, vacuum, and dust. Bugs often see vacancy signs in the parts of the home we rarely interact with.
7. Keep Moisture Away from the House
As important as it is to keep moisture out of the house, it’s just as important to keep it away from the house.
For example, mulch, grass clipping, leaves, and other foliage near the house trap moisture and attract bugs of all kinds. Rake away anything that will hold moisture and keep the base of your house try and, therefore, less appealing to bugs.
8. Seal Up Pet Food
Another major component of the best home pest control is sealing up pet food. Most people don’t think twice about properly sealing dog and cat food, especially when it’s in the garage. However, failing to do so could have severe ramifications.
Just because the food isn’t appealing to you, it doesn’t mean pests will turn their noses up at it. In fact, keeping pet food open and accessible is a great way to attract pests of all kinds, especially common ants.
9. Set Up Bug Traps and Poison
Finally, if you find your home already has a number of uninvited guests, you’ll need to take immediate steps to remedy the situation.
One of the best home pest control solutions is setting traps of all kinds. These include sticky traps, roach motels, and poison bait. If the problem is minute enough, these measures should be enough to turn the odds in your favor.
However, if you have a legitimate infestation, it may be time to call in the professionals.
Act Now
Even if you don’t have a pest problem right now, remember, prevention is the best home pest control. Start looking around your home today and take matters into your own hands to prevent pests from taking up residence in your home.
Additionally, keep your eyes open for any signs of pests already in your home, if you catch problems early, it’s easier to take care of things yourself. And remember, if worse comes to worst, don’t hesitate to call in the professionals. Be sure to check out the rest of our articles for more about DIY lifestyle and home-living.
Photo by Mikhail Vasilyev on Unsplash