7 Useful Cleaning Tips From The Professionals
When it comes to homeownership, there are certain things people should never avoid. They include investing in security measures and keeping the house clean. If you’re tired of feeling that your home’s untidy and unhygienic, read on. In this article, we’ll provide 7 useful cleaning tips that are recommended by professionals.
1. Hire A Person Or Company
This option is especially ideal for people who have mobility issues or busy lifestyles. You could pay someone to do basic housekeeping tasks on a regular basis, or ask a company to perform deep-cleaning on your home. Many professional companies will arrive armed with industrial-quality cleaning materials and equipment.
It may be that you have a number of dirty windows and aren’t confident using ladders. If so, it’s possible to secure the services of a window cleaning contractor, whether it’s for residential or commercial purposes. They’ll use the latest equipment and proven techniques, whether it’s for your windows, driveway, patio, gutters or solar panels.
2. Use Microfiber Cloths And Baking Soda
If you need to clean surfaces, microfiber clothes are a better option than using sponges or paper towels. They dry quickly and are machine washable, so they’re far less likely to retain germs. If you use distilled white vinegar with your cloth it can become even more effective. Hospitals are increasingly using these cloths because they’re more effective than the traditional alternatives, removing up to 99% of bacteria.
If you have bigger food-related messes or build-ups of grease in your pantry, baking soda is a great option. Put some on a cloth and then wipe the affected areas. You can then remove the mess using a clean damp cloth.
3. Stay Up To Date With Cleaning
Whenever you’re preparing food, it’s best to clean as you go. If you tackle spills immediately, they’ll be easier to remove. Rather than allowing plates and cups to lie around the house, educate your family to put things straight into the dishwasher when they’ve finished with them. By cleaning up as you go, it’ll make life more pleasant at mealtimes. Once you’ve finished eating, there won’t be as much washing and clearing to be done.
Keep work surfaces clean at all times and regularly check the floors – sweeping or mopping them as often as required. Hoover your carpets once a week, or more if there are high-traffic areas. Ask your household to put dirty clothes in the laundry basket. This will save you from going from room to room collecting the various items.
4. Create A Cleaning Routine
It can be demoralizing and tiring if you ‘lose’ one day a week to cleaning the house. For this reason, you may wish to break down your tasks into smaller ones. You could allocate one day for a deep cleaning of the bathroom or kitchen. Another day could be used to tackle bedrooms or the living room. There could be one day when you mop the floors and hoover the carpets, and another where you do the polishing and wiping.
Don’t forget to check the often missed areas such as light switches, door frames and baseboards. Make sure your cleaning routine follows a logical order. It’s important to do the dusting before you do the hoovering. If you do it the other way around you could be sending dust back into the air, where it’ll descend upon your carpets.
5. Delegate Some Tasks
Another way to break down all of your house jobs is to allocate different ones to various members of your household. This is especially important if you’re a busy parent who has work responsibilities or other demands on your time.
Even if you have young children, there’ll still be some things they can help you with. It’s good for kids to learn to take responsibility for their home, rather than living like it’s a hotel. You may also wish to incorporate rewards as an incentive for your children. In return for their hard work, they could receive candy or pocket money at the end of the week. By making these chores part of childrens’ lifestyles, they’ll be more likely to keep a tidy house when they become homeowners themselves.
6. Start With The Worst Room
In people’s business lives, it’s common for them to do the easy jobs first, and leave the more challenging tasks until later. However, this does little to reduce people’s stress levels. The same thing applies to house cleaning! If you tackle the dirtiest room first, you’ll feel better psychologically once you’ve done it.
The worst task may be the bathroom where you need to remove everything before you can start the cleaning process. Alternatively, it could be your living room where you have to remove small items of furniture before you can vacuum everywhere. Before you start the entire process, write down all the jobs ahead of you – then tackle the most urgent ones first. Should you run out of time or be unexpectedly interrupted, at least you’ll have started with the most important jobs.
7. Declutter Your Home
As time progresses, most people end up with more and more things that they no longer want or need. The more items you have in your home, the more they’ll collect dust and need cleaning. The key is to declutter your house one room at a time. If you’re a busy person or if it’s a large room, you could even break it down into different sections.
Decide what you need to keep and make sure it’s returned to the right place. Anything else could be:
- given to friends or charity
- sold online or at a yard sale
- responsibly disposed of
Once your home’s clear of junk, create a culture in your house where it stays that way. The fewer possessions you have in your home, the easier it’ll be to keep everywhere clean and tidy.
No doubt you’ve benefited from these 7 cleaning tips from professionals. By working smarter, not harder, you’ll get better results in your home. In turn, it’ll remain clean and tidy – and be a joy for both your household and your visitors.