3 Top Tips for Designing Your Dream Kitchen
Interior Design

3 Top Tips for Designing Your Dream Kitchen

With summertime finally here, there is an opportunity to get your home looking at its absolute best. Many adults take time off this year, especially if they have children who are enjoying the school summer break. This time of year can be the ideal opportunity to undertake some meaningful renovations to your house that will add style, functionality and may even increase the value of your property. One key upgrade that homeowners plan when thinking about renovations is to design their dream kitchen. This space in the house is one of the most used, and after time it can show signs of age. Cabinets can become worn and broken, color schemes start to lose their appeal, and appliances inevitably need upgrading or replacing. If you are planning to design your ideal kitchen, this article will be of assistance. Three top tips will be discussed that will make your dream kitchen a reality.

Consider the Working Triangle

The concept of the “working triangle” in kitchen design has been around for decades but is still incredibly popular. Basically, this concept states that the cooking area, refrigerator, and sink should all be located near each other to form a triangle. This allows the most efficient ways to prepare and cook food to be achieved with a minimum of movement required from point to point in the kitchen. When designing this key space, it makes sense to adhere to this principle so that you can prepare, cook and then clean up afterward as effectively as possible. In short, design your kitchen around this basic philosophy but remember that you will have more freedom to place non-essential structures and appliances in a way that suits your overall kitchen plans.

Speak to Plumbers

Major kitchen renovations will often require the moving and complete re-design of the space. Often this will include moving appliances such as dishwashers and the sink that require a constant water supply. If you recognize that your new designs will involve such changes, then it is important to contact a professional plumber who will undertake the changes to pipework that may be required. If you live in Ohio, search online for a plumber Columbus OH to generate a list of plumbing firms who serve the local area. They should have professional qualifications and years of experience in plumbing, ideally in a residential setting. A reputable plumbing firm will be able to give you an accurate estimate for the work that needs to be undertaken, including how long it will take to complete. Get a range of quotes and choose the company that is both competitive in price and has extensive experience in home plumbing.

Stylish Work Surfaces for a Dream Kitchen

The main kitchen worksurface plays a key role in any modern kitchen. It will become the focal point for food preparation activities and needs to be hard-wearing and well-constructed. However, it should also be stylish as well as functional. An ideal option if you have a larger budget for your kitchen is to use a granite work surface (or even marble if your budget can stretch that far) as stone surfaces are both visually attractive and highly resilient to daily use. In short, stone-based work surfaces and countertops will give an aesthetic appeal to any kitchen whilst being a practical choice for long-term daily usage. 

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

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