How to Clean Walls in Your Home
A clean wall makes a place look more beautiful. It won’t feel like home if your house walls are dirty and stained. That is why it’s essential to frequently clean walls for stains and dust, no matter whether they are painted or have wallpaper attached. We will show you an easy step-by-step process on how to clean walls in your home. So, let’s take the show underway.
Step- 1: Place a Cloth under the Walls
Firstly, take a large piece of cloth and place it beneath the wall where you plan on cleaning. It will keep your floors away from dust and dirt from the wall as well as any cleaner and water drips.
Make sure you use old cloth and place it along the bottom of the walls. Now there will be no chance of moisture collecting on your floor.
Step 2: Use a Duster to Clean Dust from Walls
Now it’s time to clean any dust from the walls using a duster. It will be hard to clean walls if any dust remains on your wall. You can buy a wall duster from a shop or make it at home using a towel and a broom.
You have to tie the towel around the bristle of the broom and then dust off your entire walls. Make vertical downward strokes to wipe dust effectively.
Step 3: Prepare the Cleaning Solution
You can use any painted wall cleaner to clean your wall. Or you can make a solution at home. All you will need is a bucket full of water and dishwasher soap.
Grab a bucket full of water and add a few drops of dishwasher into it. Don’t add too much soap, or it will damage your wall. Never use harsh cleaners for walls; it might wash off the paint. You can also check websites for more DIY cleaning solutions.
Step 4: Test the Solution on a Wall
It will be wise to test your solution before applying it in a larger space. Not all the paints and finishes are equally susceptive to all kinds of cleaners. Take a lint-free cloth and dip into your solution and apply it to a tiny area on your wall.
Make sure the area is behind any furniture. Now check if the walls react to it. If the paints show no symptoms, you are good to go.
Step 5: Clean the Walls with A Sponge
Now, take a sponge and dip it into your solution. Grab the wet sponge and clean your walls. Make sure you clean from top to bottom of the walls. It’s better to divide them into small sections and clean them thoroughly.
Do not use a colorful sponge; it might further stain the wall. Use a mop to reach the far outposts of your walls.
Step 6: Rinse and Dry the Walls
After cleaning all the areas of your walls, it’s time to rinse off the cleaner. Use a different dry sponge to rinse any soap residue from your walls. It will remove extra water from the surface.
Finally, use a lint-free cloth to blot the wall dry. Make sure you blot over freshly cleaned areas to make them dry.
Photo by inanc avadit on Unsplash