How Do Orthopedic Doctors Treat Injuries And Health Problems?
Those who are active in sports or involved in injury-prone activities know what orthopedic doctors treat. They correct all kinds of defects and disorders of the musculoskeletal system caused by both mechanical damage and hereditary or acquired diseases. Orthopeds help tailor personal care for your spine and are involved in health care products for your musculoskeletal system. They take care of you.
Their expertise includes:
- ligaments;
- tendons;
- bones;
- muscles;
- joints.
Prevention and personal care
It is no secret that disease is easier to prevent than to cure. When a patient is found to be prone to ailments in his area, as well as at the end of the rehabilitation process after surgery, the doctor draws up a series of prescriptions for the patient. Compliance with them reduces the chance of complications and speeds up the recovery process. Often these prescriptions will include special orthopedic shoes and corsets, obligatory orthopedic mattresses and orthopedic neck pillow by Nygex.
A balanced diet.
A proper diet for diseases of the musculoskeletal system should include protein foods: meat, fish, walnuts, and beans. Rice and buckwheat grits, liver, mushrooms, spinach and broccoli containing B vitamins are useful for cartilage support. Salty, fried, and floury products should be limited, and attention should be paid to the caloric content of the daily menu (the average norm is 2,350 kcal for men and 2,100 kcal for women).
Taking nutritional supplements.
To compensate for the calcium deficiency of the elderly people it is useful not only to include cottage cheese, cheese and other dairy products in the menu, but also to take vitamin D, which promotes its absorption. The main sources of vitamin D are fish, butter, chicken and quail eggs. Even if these foods are present in your diet, you should take regular supplements containing these nutrients.
Weight Control.
Being overweight is a serious problem for many seniors, especially those with disabilities who cannot afford to increase physical activity. The main recommendations are to gradually reduce the caloric content of meals and switch to a fractional diet. At the same time, the number of calories should not be reduced by excluding dairy products from the diet.
Physical activity.
Regular exercise is the basis of healthy longevity. It is recommended that elderly people do at least 2.5-3 hours of physical activity a week. Moderate exercise helps to strengthen the bones, muscles and ligaments. As a result, all joints get good muscular support, and the risk of domestic injury is reduced.
Adequate physical activity.
Physical work and training should not be exhausting; everything is good in moderation. Work and rest should be alternated, with attention paid to adequate sleep and recovery of the body. Moreover, excessive physical activity in old age contributes to the aggravation of degenerative processes in bone and cartilage tissues.
Give up bad habits.
Many older people find it hard to give up old habits. It may make sense to seek help from an experienced psychologist or take special classes in anonymous groups. Dependence on alcohol and nicotine greatly increases the likelihood of developing osteoporosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Regular medical checkups.
In old age, it is very important to follow through on the treatment of injuries. Successful correction of musculoskeletal system disorders begins with timely diagnostics and regular medical check-ups. It is recommended that women over 65 and men over 70 undergo annual densitometry (determination of bone density).
Diagnosis and treatment
During a personal examination and with the help of tests and laboratory examinations, a specialist determines the diagnosis of the patient. Based on the data obtained during the examination of the patient’s condition, the doctor makes an individual treatment plan.
Methods of treatment in orthopedics
Based on the results of diagnosis, treatment is performed using conservative and/or surgical methods.
Conservative methods
- Drug therapy involves taking medications
- Anti-inflammatory drugs – corticosteroids and NSAIDs;
- Myorelaxants – for the elimination of spasms and muscle contractures;
- drugs for improving blood microcirculation;
- restorative biostimulants and chondroprotectors;
- pain relievers;
- vitamin and mineral complexes containing calcium, silicon, manganese, zinc, copper, vitamins D, A, C, etc;
- Immobilization is necessary to fix the damaged structures in a physiologically correct position. Plastering and fixation bandages, splints, skeletal traction with spokes are used.
- Physiotherapy, physical therapy, and manual therapy are effective in the work of rehabilitation therapists. They allow you to develop the damaged area, relieve spasms and contractures, and restore normal blood circulation in the tissues.
Surgical orthopedics actively develops computer modeling, endoprosthetics, and osteosynthesis techniques. Osteosynthesis devices have become commonplace:
- osteosynthesis apparatuses – Ilizarov apparatuses for fixing fragments and restoring normal bone structure;
- artificial joints – both the entire joint and its individual structures, such as joint fluid endoprosthesis;
- Endoscopy of joints (arthroscopy).
It’s time to see an orthopedist
There are a number of symptoms that can have serious health consequences if ignored. These are usually caused by traumatic actions, but some can also occur without any apparent external preconditions:
- Suspicion of a sprain, dislocation or fracture of a limb;
- Sudden sharp pain on movement;
- Periodic discomfort in the joints for no apparent reason;
- Deterioration in the ability of the joints to function.
If any of the above items are found, it is recommended that you see an orthopedic trauma surgeon immediately!
Why you should not put off going to the doctor
Many injuries and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system can lead to complications if they are not treated in time. It is necessary to seek help from a qualified specialist in time, because otherwise the complexity of later treatment increases many times, as well as the cost.
The level of pain and discomfort most often only increases. Over time, the risk of complications increases, and consequently, the discomfort increases. Some surgeries need to be performed immediately after an injury before the body begins the recovery process, such as with a displaced fracture.