Creative DIY Projects for Green Home Improvement
Environmentally friendly home improvement projects offer a sustainable alternative to traditional building practices. Opting for “green” solutions, such as energy-efficient appliances and eco-friendly flooring, not only saves you money but also promotes a healthy lifestyle for your family while preserving valuable resources. Here, we present nine popular and sustainable green home improvement options.
Why do I need to go green?
Our planet is constantly facing environmental challenges, and the need for going green has never been more critical. By adopting a sustainable lifestyle, we can reduce our carbon footprint and protect the planet from further damage. Going green can bring numerous benefits including cost savings on monthly bills, improved health and quality of life, and a sense of accomplishment knowing that we are contributing to the greater good.
Creative DIY Projects for Green Home Improvement
#1 Low-VOC Paint
One of the most cost-effective methods to update a room is by giving the walls and ceiling a fresh coat of paint. Traditional paint, which contains volatile organic compounds (VOCs), can emit harmful gases for extended periods, contributing to air pollution and respiratory issues.
The pungent odor often associated with paint is not only recognizable but also poses risks to the eyes, nose, and throat. It can also lead to breathing difficulties, nausea, and damage to the central nervous system and other organs. By opting for low or zero-VOC paint, which may cost a few dollars more per can, you not only safeguard your health but also contribute to the preservation of our planet.
#2 Solar roof panels
Solar power systems harness clean and pure energy from the sun. Installing solar panels on a home reduces fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions. It is recommended to install solar panels during roof replacement. Utility companies often give rebates and credits to homeowners who switch to solar. The U.S. federal government offers incentives through the IRS for adopting solar power. Moreover, excess electricity collected can be fed back to the utility company, resulting in a credit.
#3 Vertical garden building
A vertical garden is an easy-to-implement but effective solution. You only need a special pot with a wall mount. Once the fasteners are in place, it’s time to plant your garden! Fill each planter with potting soil and carefully transplant your plants into their designated containers.
If you’re interested in creating a vertical garden for herbs or flowers, go for it! If you need help just install the LiLy app for Plant identifying on your phone. This is a plant identifier app that gives comprehensive information about any type of plant. This plant and tree identifier will be useful even in those cases when your green friends encounter some kind of disease. Want to know if they lack nitrogen or have pests? The simplest solution is a plant app. With this app for iPhone, you will be able to work with your vertical garden like a pro.
#4 Lay synthetic turf
Consider synthetic turf as an option for upgrading your outdoor space. While natural lawns are generally eco-friendly, laying fake grass can actually be kinder to the environment. Maintaining a traditional lawn requires significant water usage, often relying on unpredictable rainwater supplemented by garden hoses. Allocating resources toward gardens and vegetable patches is more beneficial than keeping natural grass lush and green.
#5 Reclaimed Wood
Reclaimed lumber from old furniture or buildings that are about to be demolished can be repurposed for walls, beams, and roofs, reducing deforestation and demand for new lumber. This sustainable resource also minimizes landfill waste and manufacturing’s environmental impact. Specialized green companies acquire materials from older homes set for demolition or dismantling.
#6 Programmable thermostat
By installing a programmable thermostat, you can save money and reduce your impact on the environment. Programming it to use less energy when you’re away or sleeping helps your home be more energy efficient. This also lessens the strain on your HVAC system compared to standard thermostats. Traditional thermostats overwork your air conditioning and heating units, consuming a lot of energy when you adjust the temperature. Programmable thermostats alleviate this stress by automatically regulating the temperature.
#7 Gottles
If you’re under the impression that creating planters from recycled materials requires specialized resources and advanced technology, let us enlighten you. Gottles takes plain glass bottles and transforms them into exquisite indoor planters through the process of upcycling. As a family-owned small-scale business, Gottles holds the belief that repurposing glass bottles not only diverts waste from landfills but also contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions generated by manufacturing plants. Among our notable recycled indoor plant pots, the Patron Tequila Hanging Planter and the Wine Bottle Succulents Planter stand out as favorites.
#8 Collect rainwater
Many individuals often assume that due to space constraints, they have no option but to let rainwater runoff on their property without any control. However, that is not the case. Even those with limited space or budget can opt for a rain barrel installation.
Rain barrels are essentially smaller versions of tanks, often built at home, and can be easily set up in a single day. They serve as an excellent addition to your yard, helping conserve water effectively. The water stored in your rain barrel can be conveniently utilized to nourish your vegetable patch, benefiting both you and the environment.
The list of green DIY projects is quite extensive, and there are countless ways to reduce your carbon footprint while still making your home look great and function optimally. So get creative! With a bit of research, some determination, and perhaps a helping hand from friends or family members, you can successfully upgrade your living space with eco-friendly materials and products for sustainable green home improvement.
Photo by Dan Burton on Unsplash