BBQ and Grilling 7 Tips You Must Know
The time spent grilling and bbq-ing with family is the time well spent. Many of you BBQ fans might own an electric/charcoal grill or electric smoker at your place. Well no doubt, these are such amazing things to own. That smoky flavored food can blow anyone’s mind.
While grilling may be one of the favorite tasks of yours’, it does require some skills and techniques to master it. This may not be very easy to learn for a beginner. Whether you own a grill or a latest electric smoker with some extraordinary features, you need to know these things to assure the best utilization of your gadget. In this article, we’ll be looking at those useful tips and tricks that will help you to become a master and grill your favorite recipes flawlessly.
7 BBQ and grilling tips you must learn
#Maintain Your Grill – BBQ and Grilling:
If you regularly perform clean up with your grill, then you’re on a safer side. With this, you’ll reduce the chances of flare-ups and risk of burning the food from outside. Users can use a grill brush to remove stuck food from the racks. For deep cleaning, users are advised to remove the grates and burner covers for twice a year. After doing this, you’ll notice a clear difference on your own.
#Warm-Up Your Electric Smoker/Grill:
Once you’ve taken meat out of the refrigerator, let it settle down at room temperature for about 30 minutes. Allow your grill to warm up and after some time, put the meat over the cooking rack. The warmed up grill will not only cook your meat faster but will also give juicy and moist taste. Also, it will not harden up the meat.
#Place An Aluminum Foil For Better Cleaning:
You like cooking, and your entire family loves eating smoky flavored food. But no one likes to clean up the grill afterward. To avoid such hassles, you are recommended to place a couple of sheets of aluminum foil before putting the meat over it. This will reduce your cleaning work and will give you some relief.
#Control Flare-Ups – BBQ and Grilling:
Flare-Up is a result of the cooking fire which needs to be controlled for avoiding burning of food. Always keep some area free in your grill, such that you can move your food off any flare-up occurs. If the fire gets spread then remove all food items and let it burn the grease. If it gets out of control, turn off the burners and the gas.
#Maintain Correct Cooking Temperature:
We know, your grill is capable of cooking meals at a high temperature, but it’s not good in every case. Some food items require more heat while some delicate items need medium heat. For roasting, it is recommended to use lower heat option. Follow this recommendations to enjoy delicious juicy flavored food every time.
#Sear Your Food – BBQ and Grilling:
One of the secret for cooking delicious juicy flavored food at your daily meals is Searing. What it does is caramelize the layer of meat, making it more juicy and crispy. To do this, turn on your grill to the highest level and put the meat for 1 minute. Turn the meat and reduce the heat to get a caramelized layer.
#Don’t Poke The Grill Lid:
A delicious grilled meal needs its own time, and you must stick to the mantra ‘slow and low’ for preparing delicious meals. Also, don’t interfere with the meat in between its cooking time and allow it to develop a crisp layer. If you try to lift the meat when it’s not prepared, then it may get stick to the grates.
Finally, we’re ending here by enclosing all those useful tips and tricks that will help you in preparing delicious smoky meals every time you fire up your grills or smokers.
If you are looking for a good grill, you may like detailed guides by Gadgetspicker.com which may help you out find the right one for you.
Photo by Z Grills Australia on Unsplash