7 Home Electrical Care Tips For The Winter
As the cold season approaches, take extra steps to ensure the safety of your home and loved ones. Precautions ensure you don’t encounter emergencies, inconveniences, or accidents. It’s best to have an expert inspect the different electrical components and recommend any improvements. Get a professional evaluation for critical systems such as the furnace, water heater, and electrical panel. Here are 7 home electrical care tips for the winter.
Inspect Your Home’s Heating System
A faulty heating system is one of the leading causes of house fires. Have your furnace checked by a professional before winter. Consult WireNut for furnace replacements if you suspect it’s not up to par. They will inspect, analyze your current system, and recommend the best replacement.
When the current system is still functional, thoroughly clean to remove any dirt or grime. Change the furnace filter regularly and have the experts check the electrical components and wiring to avoid accidents.
Check Your Electrical Panel
Your electrical panel is the nerve center of your home’s electrical system. Have it in good working order to avoid issues. Check for any signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, rust, or corrosion. If you see anything out of the ordinary, call in a professional.
Have your electrical panel replaced if it’s more than 20 years old because older models may not handle the load of today’s electrical appliances. Also, consider upgrading to a circuit breaker panel. It offers better protection against power surges. Because your home uses more electricity in winter, upgrading the system in time keeps your home comfortable.
Be Wary Of Space Heaters
Space heaters are a great way to stay warm in winter. However, they come with inherent risks. Buy a model that has an automatic shut-off feature. Doing this prevents fires in case the heater tips over. Place the space heater on a level surface, away from flammable materials such as curtains or bedding. Never leave the space heater unattended. When not in use, unplug and store in a safe place.
Home Electrical Care Tips Check For Damaged Insulation
Examine the insulation around your home’s electrical wiring. Frayed, damaged, or missing insulation is a fire hazard. Also, check the condition of the electrical cords. If worn out, replace them immediately.
Note that extension cords are only for temporary use. Have an electrician install additional outlets if you need a more permanent solution. Take more precautions in areas exposed to water, such as the bathroom and kitchen. Because the winter season exposes your home to more moisture, it increases the risk of shorts and shocks.
Install GFCIs
Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) are life-saving devices. They protect you from electrical shocks by disconnecting the circuit when it detects a current leak. GFCIs are required by law in kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, and outdoor outlets. Install them wherever there’s a risk of moisture. Test them monthly to ensure they’re in good working order.
Inspect Your Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are crucial in keeping your family safe. Test them monthly and replace the batteries at least once a year. If they’re more than ten years old, replace them with new ones. It’s best to have a combination of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Check them before you go to bed and when you leave the house.
Inspect The Water Heater’s Electrical Parts
The water heater is in constant use during winter. Check the electrical components, such as the heating element, to ensure they’re in good working order. If you notice any damage, replace the component immediately. Note that issues can affect the entire home’s electrical system and water supply. Carry out regular maintenance to prevent problems.
Precautions Prevent Accidents
Most electrical fires occur in winter, and the furnace is the top cause. Take the necessary precautions to avoid accidents. Inspect your electrical system and have it in good working order before the start of winter. Always be on the lookout for potential hazards and take action immediately.