Reasons Why Your Water Tastes Salty And How To Fix It
Water is a necessity we all need to survive. Most of us drink water anytime we feel thirsty, take a bath with it, or clean dishes and fruits with it. However, have you ever tasted your tap water only to find that it tastes salty? Not everyone may have experienced drinking water that tastes bad but it does happen. This could be caused by different reasons and in this article, we will discuss the top reasons why your water tastes salty and how to fix it:
The Water You Are Drinking is Full of Chlorine
One of the most common causes why your water tastes salty is because of the chlorine in it. Chlorine is often used when treating tap water to take away contaminations and make sure that there are no bacteria that can cause disease in the water. While this odorless, tasteless substance can make your drinking water safe, too much chlorine in it can make your water have a taste of salt. If you find the taste of your tap water too strong, it may be because it contains chlorine.
High Concentration of Sulfates in the Water
Another reason why your water tastes salty is because of too much sulfate in it. In fact, the Dead Sea has a very high concentration of sulfates that causes it to have an extremely salty taste. Sulfides and sulfates cause water to taste like well water, which many people do not like because it has a strong and bad taste. If you think that you are drinking water from sulfur springs, this may be the case. It could be caused as a result of industrial activity in the area.
Issues With Your Water Softener
Water softeners are very helpful in making our water supply safe to drink. It can clean tap water by removing minerals like calcium, magnesium, and other compounds that cause hard water which can affect the taste of your drinking water. But you begin to have a different taste when the water softener is not working properly.
They are very effective but complex appliances and it doesn’t take much before it stops working properly. And that would be to the detriment of your water quality. Wrong programming could cause the softener to think more is needed or there could just be clogging problems in it.

Erosion of Salt Deposits in your Local Area’s Groundwater
Erosion of salt deposits in the groundwater can cause water to taste salty. If you live near oceans, this would be less likely to be a problem because there is already brine (which tastes like seawater) added to the tap water. However, if you live inland and it’s not close enough to an ocean, then you are probably drinking water that has salt deposits in it. This could easily affect the taste of your tap water making it very salty.
Naturally Elevated Salt Levels in Your Well’s Aquifer
If you’re well is deep enough, it may be near an aquifer that contains salt deposits. When water from this aquifer is pumped and reaches your home, the salt comes with it and mixes with your tap water. This would not only make the taste of water salty but could also damage appliances like dishwashers and washing machines.
How To Fix Water With Salty Taste?
If you have been drinking water that tastes salty, then it’s time to test your tap water with a TDS meter. If there are high levels of salt in your tap water, then here are some things you can do to fix it:
- Run a whole house filter on your home’s plumbing system. This would filter out the excess salt in your water supply
- Use a reverse osmosis system to treat your tap water. The reverse osmosis (RO) can also take away minerals like calcium, potassium, and magnesium which make hard water that may cause problems in your appliances like dishwashers and washing machines. As a result of using an RO system, you will be getting better tasting water but it may not be as healthy because of the deficiencies in minerals like calcium and magnesium. These saltless systems might be your answer.
In conclusion, there are many reasons why your water tastes salty. You should always use a filter if you want to freshen up your water because the chlorine will fade away after it has been filtered. Magnesium sulfate can be taken care of by boiling your water or by using a filter. When you’ve done all you can and the problem persists, reach out to professionals or call the regulatory body.