How to Create an Easy Sustainable Garden?
Having a garden at home brings many advantages. It can make you feel better and clean the air. However, some people are hesitant to do it because of hard work. There are many ways to achieve a beautiful garden, especially with a sustainable lifestyle. If you want to be more sustainable in your garden, time and effort are the keys. This article will cover easy ways to create a sustainable garden.
Waste Less Water
Conserving water is probably the easiest way to sustain your garden. Your plants need water to survive, but it doesn’t need much. About an inch every week is enough to keep the soil and the plants healthy. One of the best solutions is to use hoses instead of devices that use much water, such as sprinkler systems, as these promote evaporation. Hoses allow you to control the amount of water you give your garden and prevent the water from going straight to the gutter or sidewalks. Another effective way to save water is to use barrel systems to collect rainwater. This is efficient, especially for places with longer rain and dry weather.
Use Less Energy
Your garden also consumes electricity. You’ll probably use your lawn mower when you want to trim the grass. Using the machine is fine, but you must ensure that the blades are sharp to make them more efficient and deliver quality cuts. So regular maintenance is a must. You might also want to pull off the weeds instead of using your lawn mower to remove their roots and prevent them from growing back.
Making your garden smaller is also a great way. Instead of grasses and plants, you can add trees or shrubs. Not only will it add beauty but also give shade for you and your family to rest. Adding light bulbs to your garden also increases its beauty. However, light bulbs can add a lot to energy consumption. It’s better to use LED light bulbs as they are energy-efficient, allowing you to use less electricity.
Make Your Own Compost
One of the best ways to reuse your food waste is composting. According to a study, global food waste has doubled. You can contribute to minimizing it by utilizing your food waste and using it for your garden.
It might not sound easy with many processes, but making your own compost is straightforward. You need to remember not to include any plants with fertilizer and animal byproducts, such as fur, to ensure its effectiveness. Mixing compost into your garden soil isn’t only helpful for the environment. It also retains moisture, so you won’t need to water your garden more frequently.
Save Your Seeds
If you’ve already established your garden, you can regrow the plants using the seeds from your previous plants. For instance, you have a vegetable garden. Tomatoes, peppers, peas, and more are easy to grow. You just need to keep the seeds from the previous year and use them for the following year.
This is the same thing when it comes to flowers. You can also use the seeds and plant them to have the same plants next year. However, you have to make sure that you store them properly. Some seeds are sensitive. Keeping them in a place away from direct sunlight is the best way to ensure their growth the next year.
Mulch Your Garden
Mulching is a critical step in gardening as it helps the garden bed have better temperature and retain moisture. This means you’ll use less water for your garden. It could also be the key to preventing weeds from growing as they won’t have room to grow. Since weeds are less likely to grow, you won’t need to use fertilizer and pesticides. Your garden can grow naturally, without any chemicals.
One thing you should be aware of is that the type of mulch should depend on your garden. For instance, organic mulch can retain moisture and reduce soil erosion. It’s also great for organisms that benefit your soil and garden, making it more luscious and green.
Keep Learning
Making your garden more sustainable isn’t a one-time process. You’ll need to learn new things to create a beautiful one. New techniques and tips are developed daily, so it’s best to read articles or watch videos about them. You’ll find new methods that could be more effective for you, especially in your area.
You also need to be flexible, and if certain things are not accessible for your garden, you can adapt or change the process into an effective one. For example, if drip irrigation systems are not a possible option, you can use a hose instead.
So, make sure that you keep your mind open and be updated with the new things that can help you keep your garden’s beauty and make it more sustainable.
Photo by Chad Stembridge on Unsplash