Healthy Trees 6 Tips You Need to Consider to Keep them Safe
Taking care of your trees is crucial to their growth and health. There are many ways to keep your trees healthy and thriving. To maintain a tree’s health, you have to care for and pay attention to it. The worst thing you can do is forget about the tree.
Here are six things you need to do to keep your trees healthy.

1. Trim the Tree
Tree trimming is essential in keeping a tree appealing and healthy. Trimming trees prevents them from getting too big and overgrowing. When trees get too big, they can become off balance. Off-balanced trees are at risk of falling or breaking. This is dangerous if your area experiences any high winds or storms. In such cases, it is most likely a tree could snap or fall.
Trimming the tree helps to prevent this from happening. Depending on the size of the trees, cutting them can be an easy or difficult task. You can do the trimming yourself, or you can search Tree Trimming Near Me to find people to trim the trees for you. Cutting the trees does not just make them more durable, it makes them much more appealing. Call for Louisville Beach arborists to trim your trees.
2. Water the Trees Properly
Just like any living thing, trees need water for survival. Without the consistent intake of water, trees will dry up and eventually die. The amount of water required varies depending on where the tree is in its life. Older trees only need about an inch of water every week. This water can come from you, or it can come from rainfall if your area experiences it frequently.
Young trees, however, require a lot more water. In most cases, 10 to 40 gallons of water a week for young trees is optimal. This is because trees in the early stages of life need more help to grow and expand.
3. Mulch
Mulching’s primary purpose is to insulate the moisture inside of the tree. Mulching also helps to protect the roots from outside damage. Mulching only needs to be done a couple of times. You place 2 to 4 inches of mulch at the base of the tree, and when that mulch degrades and disappears over time, you do it again. There is often a long period of time before you have to reapply mulch.
4. Checkups
Just like humans, trees need checkups. Getting your tree a checkup allows you to see if there are any current or potential problems. Checkups help to highlight things that could turn into problems in the future, thus allowing you to prevent them before they even happen. An arborist will help you perform the checkup. Checkups can also help to determine how much time your tree has left. A checkup will help you notice if your tree is degrading or in bad condition. Opt for Portland arborists to trim your trees and do periodical checkups.
5. Fertilize
Fertilizing the trees will help to provide them with much-needed nutrients. When fertilizing the trees, remove the grass and dirt around them and replace it with the fertilizer. You should also test your soil to see if you need more fertilizer. The testing of the soil can occur during the checkup.
6. Prune
Pruning is best done when the tree is free of leaves. That will most likely be during the fall and winter seasons.
There are many things needed to keep your trees healthy. Although some methods are easy and some are more difficult, they will all greatly benefit the trees.
Photo by D. Jameson RAGE on Unsplash