7 Ways To Make A Residential Building Friendly To People With Disabilities
Residential buildings are full of barriers for those who live with a disability. It’s frequently cheaper for disabled consumers to build a handicapped-accessible residence. Renovating an existing structure is costly. Here are some things that should be included in a residential building.
#1-#3 Mobility Solutions For A Residential Building
One of the first hurdles is getting in and out of the structure. This is especially true if the resident uses a wheelchair. Ramps are always a good solution. There are different types of ramps, including a permanent ramp. These are usually made of sturdy material like concrete. On the other hand, the builder may opt for portable ramps. Portable ramps can be moved to another space if necessary. Guard rails are an essential component of ramp safety.
Stairlifts are a good idea if the building includes more than one level. This equipment attaches to the stairs and doesn’t require a lot of renovation. However, consumers may consider a lift if the structure is larger.
Residential lifts are affordable, and they don’t take up a lot of space. Go online and learn more about home lift installation services from here. The building needs to have 1.5m x 1.5m of clear space to install a lift.
#4 Doorway Renovations
Exterior and interior doorways may need to be remodeled. Doorways need to be at least 36 inches wide in order to accommodate a wheelchair. Further, handles and locks may need to be lower. In addition, lever-handle pulls are a better option than doorknobs. For security purposes, the contractor should add a peephole at wheelchair height. Wall switches should be lowered throughout the building.
#5 Flooring For A Residential Building
The choice of flooring is a matter of safety for the disabled. The ideal flooring shouldn’t move or bunch up. This makes the floor a fall hazard and makes it difficult for wheelchairs to move. Vinyl and wood are excellent choices for disabled residents. The floors won’t be slippery and wheelchairs can move smoothly. Ceramic and tile floors need to be slip-resistant.
#6 The Kitchen
Independent living calls for a host of changes to kitchen plans. The kitchen needs a wider aisle to accommodate wheelchairs. Additionally, consider a sink with a basin that’s shallower than what’s standard. Extended handles are also recommended for the sink.
Countertops and cooktops should be lowered to 30 inches rather than 36. This is a big help for wheelchair users or those with back problems. Aim to install countertops with rounded edges in the event of a fall. Additionally, a disabled resident would appreciate cabinets with doors that slide. Cooktops can be color-coded to benefit those with partial blindness.
#7 The Bathroom
The bathroom needs to be large so wheelchairs and walkers can be used easily. In addition, guard rails need to be installed by the tub and toilet. Ideally, the tub should have a grab bar and the faucets should be lowered. Moreover, the toilet should be higher than normal.
There are many technological advances that make living easier. Interior and exterior lights can be programmed to go on and off. Faucets are sold that sense temperature so a lot of accidents can be avoided.
Residential living doesn’t have to be restrictive for disabled residents. Changes are needed on the exterior and interior of the residence. Renovations must accommodate limitations and keep residents safe.
Photo by Ralph (Ravi) Kayden on Unsplash