Your Room-by-Room Guide to Making a Small Home Feel Spacious
In your imagination you may have fantasies about living in a sprawling manor house with countless rooms and land stretching for miles in every direction. This is not a type of home that many people are able to enjoy, no matter how idyllic it sounds. Small homes are often under-appreciated, especially by the people who live in them.
If you are a small home owner, you might feel like your life would be easier if you had more space. Fortunately, there are ways to make even the smallest home flow with ease, and this room-by-room guide will help you feel more comfortable at home by making the most of your available space.
Living Room
As a general rule of thumb, it’s good to provide comfortable seating in your living room for every person who lives in the house—plus one more. For example, if you and your partner live together, a two-seater sofa and an armchair should suffice. It all depends on your lifestyle and how often you host guests, but restricting the items of large furniture in your living room is one simple way to save space.
Small kitchens rely on storage to do a lot of the heavy lifting. Therefore make sure every inch of storage space is perfectly suited to what it stores so that no drawer or cabinet goes to waste. Once you have rearranged the kitchen storage to be more practical, check for any spare space and stash items from other parts of the house in there.
Make a rule for your household that only bathroom-related objects are permitted to stay in the bathroom. For example, books, magazines, gadgets, and anything else that is also used in other parts of the house shouldn’t be taking up precious space in the bathroom.
In addition, consider using vertical cabinets to store your towels and toiletries to free up your floorspace.
If you have an outdoor space attached to your small home, you shouldn’t neglect it, as the garden can be a great living space in addition to the interior rooms. Check out San Antonio landscape supply for inspiration about how to create more interest and beauty in your outdoor areas.
With a bit of creativity and patience, you could transform a small garden into a comfortable, practical part of the home. All you need are the right materials and some basic DIY skills.
Bedrooms are often the easiest rooms to find storage solutions for since their main purpose is being somewhere to rest and sleep; leaving much of the room available for wardrobes, drawers, and other storage solutions. In a small home, a bed with under-bed drawers is ideal. Bespoke shelving can simultaneously provide extra room for objects and make the room seem more elegant.
Living in a small home doesn’t mean you have to live a life of constant compromise. Remember that there are plenty benefits to living somewhere small compared to a bigger home, such as the time it takes to clean it and the cost of temperature control. Embrace your small home and give it the chance to impress you by using these tricks to make it feel more spacious.