Why You Should Pet Birds in Your Backyard
You might want to consider getting a pet bird or pair of birds if you live in a small apartment, have trouble walking, don’t have a lot of disposable income, and spend most of your time alone. Elderly people, single children, and people without pets can benefit from having a bird as a companion; the relationship can last many years and bring much happiness. Let’s dive into why you should pet birds in your backyard.
Pet Birds in Your Backyard for Entertainment
It was well established that birds are a great source of amusement. Species diversity makes them fascinating to observe, like the types of geese in North America. Some go on excursions in pairs, while others bring provisions back to share with their loved ones. At the feeders, some birds are more aggressive than others. What you’re witnessing is a real-life soap opera.
Prevention of Insects
Seeds and fruit aren’t the only things birds eat. Your backyard can become a bird refuge if you provide them with clean water and bird seed and protect them from predators.
All the birds that have made your yard their home can find insects to be a tasty treat. Since birds are effective natural pest controllers, this reduces or eliminates the need for chemical pest control.
Alternatives to Keeping Pets
Accepting that you can’t have a pet because of your allergies is difficult. The birds you attract to your garden will certainly become regulars if you feed them. In some households, these birds are treated more like pets than avian guests. Certain species of birds have been documented to return to their childhood backyards to breed each spring following their annual migration.
They’re Very Smart
Birds are excellent problem solvers since they must fly thousands of miles twice yearly on migration. The National Audubon Society claims that birds are extraordinarily intelligent due to their ability to reason and solve problems. They can read, write, and use arithmetic skills.
Chickadees, parrots, and cockatoos are all well-known pets because of their sophisticated intelligence and mimicry abilities. Even if crows aren’t the best candidates for keeping as pets, their logic has been compared to that of a 7-year-old human.
The pursuit of knowledge about birds is an exciting and stimulating part of birding. Many experienced bird watchers may recognize a bird by its call or flight style. Explore the area’s flora and animals, and keep an eye out for any avian visitors to your feeders. Once you’ve narrowed down which species are your favorites, you may feed them only the mixtures of seeds they crave.
Minimal Grooming
Birds are exceptionally neat and tidy creatures because they regularly preen their feathers. Bird owners usually only need to snip their pet’s nails and trim its feathers occasionally to keep it healthy and looking beautiful, rather than subjecting it to regular shampooing, flea treatments, or costly haircuts.
The only cleaning a bird needs is a weekly or biweekly spritzing with clean, non-chlorinated water. The low effort required to care for a bird is a relief for people with limited mobility.
Social With Humans and Other Birds
In the right environment and training, birds can be as affectionate and caring as a dog or cat. Some birds kept as pets get so attached to their human caretakers that they tag along on routine activities like the grocery store run or a trip to the bank. This is not good for your bird if you reside in a cooler climate. They are so good at imitating human speech that they may be quickly trained to complete basic chores and tricks.
Many pet birds may perch on your shoulder when it’s time for them to eat, letting you know they’re familiar with you, their cage, and their toys. In other words, the more time you spend with your bird out of its cage, the more imaginative it will be in its reactions to you.
You can always purchase another companion bird if you go out more often. As birds form strong opinions about who they like and don’t, it’s better to let your present bird help choose the new one.
They’re Inexpensive to Feed
Since even the largest birds consume a relatively small amount of food per day, the cost of feeding them is much lower than that of feeding other pets like dogs and cats, and this is especially true when considering the fact that even the highest quality bird foods and fresh produce are primarily plant-based foods.
Avian pets require a balanced diet of pelleted food, seed meals, and pre-washed fresh produce. Even so, they’ll gain many health benefits from the meals their owners eat with them at mealtime.
Simply reserve a small amount of whatever fresh fruit or vegetable you’re serving at your next meal for your bird, and you can all enjoy a communal meal together. You may rest easy knowing you’ll never again have to throw away food your bird didn’t eat.
Your pet bird will devour the scraps you’d otherwise throw away from fruits and veggies in the fridge. Put the uncooked scraps you would have thrown away to good use in your bird’s dish; they will add diversity and nutrients. Be sure the treats you provide the birds aren’t harmful to them.
Long-Lived Fellows
People who have lost a beloved pet may hesitate to go through it again, especially if their children will be there. Certain kinds of birds can live to be over 100 years old. As a result, adopters prioritizing giving their new companion a long, happy life can rest easier.
Photo by Krzysztof Niewolny on Unsplash